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  药店国别: 美国药房
产地国家: 美国
所属类别: 心血管系统药物->降血脂药物
包装规格: 10毫克/片 30片/瓶
GENERIC SIMVASTATIN 10mg/tab 30tabs/bottle
仿制药 辛伐他汀 10毫克/片 30片/瓶
仿制药 辛伐他汀
High blood cholesterol

學名: Simvastatin (辛伐他汀)
藥理: Simvastatin (辛伐他汀)的功用為減少肝臟製造膽固醇(此乃身體內膽固醇的主要來源),以及加速肝臟清除血液中的膽固醇。他汀類藥能有效地減低低密度脂肪蛋白膽固醇(「不良」膽固醇)及三甘油脂,並在大多數人身上增加高密度脂肪蛋白膽固醇(「良性」膽固醇)。若你按照醫生的餐單用膳,並同時服用藥物,你便可控制你進食的膽固醇含量,與及你身體所製造出來的膽固醇。
l          能降低總膽固醇水平
l          能減少心臟病發或中風的危機
l          能減低病人需要做手術來增加血液流至足部及重要器官如心臟
l          對於心絞痛病人來說,可減慢動脈粥樣硬化的速度,並減少新的動脈粥樣硬化的形成。
劑量:通常開始劑量為20毫克或40毫克, 每晚服一片。你的醫生或會調整你的劑量至最高80毫克,每晚服一片。對於膽固醇水平為輕微至中等偏高的病人,他們的開始劑量可會是10毫克。某些情況下,特別是若你正在服用環孢菌素或腎臟有某些毛病,醫生會處方較輕的劑量。

用藥禁忌: 若你有以下情況,請勿服用舒降之:
l          對舒降之的任何成份有過敏反應
l          經診斷現時患有肝病
l          懷孕或在授乳期間
用藥注意: 懷孕的女性、嘗試懷孕的女性、或懷疑已经懷孕的女性都不應服用Simvastatin (辛伐他汀)。若在服藥期懷孕,應立刻停止服用,並立即聯絡你的醫生。服藥期不能授乳。
其他副作用: 在極罕見的情況下,肌肉毛病可能會很嚴重。
藥物相互作用: 如果你正服用以下的藥物,應告訴的醫生:
環孢菌素 [cyclosporin]、 抗真菌藥[antifungal agents] (如 itraconazole 及 ketoconazole)、  Fibric acid derivatives(如二甲苯氧庚酸[gemfibrozil], bezafibrate, 及 苯酉先降脂丙酯 [fenofibrate])、抗生素 erythromycin 及 clarithromycin、HIV蛋白酉每抑制劑[HIV protease inhibitors] (如Indinavir,   nelfinavir, ritonavir, 及 saquinavir)、抗抑鬱劑nefazodone、胺碘酮 [amiodarone]、維拉帕米 [verapamil] 或 地爾硫 [diltiazem]、高劑量煙酸 [niacin 或 nicotinic acid]:每日一克或超過一克及華法林鹽 [warfarin], phenprocoumon, 或 acenocoumarol)
病患者及家屬注意事項: 若你感到肌肉痛、身體發軟或虛弱,應立刻聯絡你的醫生。若非經醫生指示,請勿停止服。若停止服用,你的膽固醇將會再度升高。
醫管局藥物分類: 專用藥物
Use: High blood cholesterol
Simvastatin is a statin drug used to lower high levels of cholesterol in the blood. It acts both by reducing the production of cholesterol and increasing its rate of removal from the body.
Simvastatin decreases the production of LDL cholesterol by blocking the action of the enzyme in the liver (called HMG-CoA reductase) that is responsible for its production. This decreases the amount of cholesterol in the liver cells, which causes them to take up LDL cholesterol from the blood. The decreased cholesterol production and increased removal of LDL cholesterol from the blood ultimately results in lowered blood cholesterol levels.
As the body produces most cholesterol at night, statins are generally more effective if taken at night.
Simvastatin also causes a small decrease in the production of other 'bad fats' in the blood called triglycerides, and a small increase in the level of HDL cholesterol. This results in lowered levels of 'bad fats' and raised levels of 'good fats' in the blood.
Statins have an important role in the prevention of coronary heart disease. They reduce the risk of excess cholesterol being deposited in the major blood vessels of the heart (atherosclerosis). Any blockage in the blood vessels limits the amount of blood and therefore oxygen being carried to the heart muscle. This can cause chest pain (angina) and in severe cases can result in a heart attack (myocardial infarction).
Simvastatin is used to lower cholesterol in people who have high levels either due to genetics (familial hypercholesterolaemia) or as a result of diet and lifestyle. This helps to reduce the risk of atherosclerosis, angina and heart attacks (coronary heart disease).
Simvastatin can also be used to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease in people who have already had a heart attack, or who suffer from angina or diabetes. In these people simvastatin slows down hardening of the arteries, regardless of your cholesterol level. It reduces the risk of needing procedures to improve blood supply to the heart, such as a balloon dilation of an artery or a heart bypass graft. It also reduces the risk of heart attack and death.
It is important to continue to follow a cholesterol-lowering diet and exercise regime while taking simvastatin. Discuss this with your doctor.
What is it used for?
High blood cholesterol levels (primary hypercholesterolaemia).
Inherited high blood cholesterol levels (familial hypercholesterolaemia).
High levels of any or all of the fats in the blood, such as cholesterol, triglycerides and lipoproteins (mixed hyperlipidaemia).
Reducing risk of death and illness from coronary heart disease in people who have had a heart attack, or who have angina or diabetes.
You should continue to follow a cholesterol-lowering diet during treatment with this medicine. Discuss this with your doctor.
You should avoid drinking grapefruit juice while taking this medicine. This is because grapefruit juice can affect the metabolism of simvastatin and could increase the amount of the medicine in your blood, thus increasing the risk of side effects.
It is recommended that you avoid drinking excessive amounts of alcohol while taking this medicine.
This medicine may rarely cause liver problems. For this reason your doctor will want you to have blood tests to monitor your liver function (liver function tests) before starting treatment and regularly throughout treatment with this medicine. Consult your doctor promptly if you develop unexplained itching, yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes (jaundice), unusually dark urine, nausea and vomiting, abdominal pains, loss of appetite or flu-like symptoms while taking this medicine, as these could be signs of a liver problem.
This medicine may occasionally have side effects on the muscles. For this reason, you should inform your doctor immediately if you experience any unexplained muscular symptoms, such as pain, tenderness, cramps or weakness, while taking this medicine. Your doctor may need to check for side effects on the muscles by taking a blood test to measure the level of a compound called creatine kinase (CK) in your blood. If this is the case, the test should not be done following strenuous exercise.
Statins may very rarely be associated with a type of lung disease. For this reason, you should consult your doctor if you experience shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, a non-productive cough and deterioration in your general health (eg weight loss, fever, fatigue) while taking this medicine.
Use with caution in
People over 70 years of age.
Decreased kidney function.
Underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism).
Personal or family history of hereditary muscle disorders.
History of muscular side effects during previous treatment with a statin or fibrate medicine.
History of liver disease.
People who drink large quantities of alcohol.
Hereditary blood disorders called porphyrias.
Not to be used in
Active liver disease.
People with unexplained raised results in liver function tests.
People taking the antifungals itraconazole or ketoconazole, the antibiotics erythromycin, clarithromycin or telithromycin, a protease inhibitor for HIV infection, or the antidepressant nefazodone.
Rare hereditary problems of galactose intolerance, the Lapp lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption (Zocor tablets contain lactose).
There is insufficient information regarding the safety and efficacy of this medicine in children. It is not recommended for children.
This medicine should not be used if you are allergic to one or any of its ingredients. Please inform your doctor or pharmacist if you have previously experienced such an allergy.If you feel you have experienced an allergic reaction, stop using this medicine and inform your doctor or pharmacist immediately.


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