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药品介绍 复合磷酸氢钾注射液,适应症为主要用于完全胃肠外营养疗法中作为磷的补充剂,如中等以上手术或其他创伤需禁食5天以上病人的磷补充剂。本品亦可用于某些疾病所至低磷血症。
适应症 主要用于完全胃肠外营养疗法中作为磷的补充剂,如中等以上手术或其他创伤需禁食5天以上病人的磷补充剂。本品亦可用于某些疾病所至低磷血症。
用法用量 对长期不能进食的病人。根据病情、监测结果由医生决定用量,将本品稀释200倍以上,供静脉点滴输注。一般在完全胃肠外营养疗法中,每1000大卡热量加入本品2.5毫升(相当[PO4][sup]3-[/sup]8毫摩尔),并控制滴注速度。
不良反应 如过量使用本品可出现高磷血症、低钙血症、肌肉颤搐、痉挛、胃肠道不适等,出现中毒症状,应立即停药。
禁忌 1、本品严禁直接注射,必须在医生指导下稀释200倍以上,方可经静脉滴点输注,并须注意控制滴注速度。 2、本品仅限于不能进食的病人使用。 3、对肾功能衰竭病人不宜应用。 4、本品与含钙注射液配伍时易析出沉淀,不宜应用。
Compound potassium hydrogen phosphate is a Polypill composed of Dipotassium phosphate and Monopotassium phosphate. Phosphorus can participate in the phosphorylation of sugar in sugar metabolism, form phospholipids in membrane components, and is one of the important components of DNA, RNA and many coenzymes in cells. Phosphorus can also participate in the storage, conversion, transmission of energy, and regulation of body fluid buffer function, So the compound potassium hydrogen phosphate injection can mainly be used as a phosphorus supplement in complete parenteral nutrition therapy, such as for patients with moderate to severe surgery or other trauma requiring fasting for more than 5 days.
In addition, it can also be used for the treatment of hypophosphatemia caused by some diseases. It should be noted that if excessive use of drugs, hyperphosphatemia, Hypocalcemia, muscle cramps, gastrointestinal discomfort, etc. will occur. If symptoms of poisoning occur, immediately stop using medication. In addition, direct injection of drugs is strictly prohibited and must be used under the guidance of a doctor.
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