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英文药名: TARPEYO delayed release capsules 4 mg*120 Capsules
药品介绍 Tarpeyo(布地奈德)缓释胶囊由瑞士制药公司卡利迪塔斯(Calliditas)采用了特殊的工艺技术改良,使药物定向释放于人体回肠末端——也就是小肠的最后一段,与大肠交接的部位。布地奈德是一种常见的糖皮质激素,常用于治疗哮喘,类似于泼尼松等激素药。
适应症 TARPEYO用于治疗具有进展风险的原发性IgA肾病成人患者,降低蛋白尿水平。一般来说,这类患者的尿蛋白肌断比值 (UPCR)≥1.5g/g。
用法用量 推荐剂量为 16 mg,每日早晨口服一次,餐前至少 1 小时服用;整颗吞服。不要打开、压碎或咀嚼;停止治疗时,在治疗的最后两周内将剂量减少至 8mg,每日一次。 任何疑问,请遵医嘱!
不良反应 高血压、外周水肿、肌肉痉挛、痤疮、皮炎、体重增加、呼吸困难、面部水肿、消化不良、疲乏、多毛症。
患者咨询信息 Advise patients that TARPEYO may cause hypercorticism and adrenal axis suppression and to follow a taper schedule, as instructed by their healthcare provider if discontinuing therapy [see Warnings and Precautions].TARPEYO causes immunosuppression. Advise patients to avoid exposure to people with chicken pox or measles and, if exposed, to consult their healthcare provider immediately. There is an increased risk of developing a variety of infections, including worsening of existing tuberculosis, fungal, bacterial, viral or parasitic infections, or ocular herpes simplex, and to contact their healthcare provider if they develop any symptoms of infection [see Warnings and Precautions]. Provide advice regarding vaccination schedules for immunocompromised patients.Advise patients that TARPEYO delayed release capsules should be swallowed whole and not chewed, crushed or broken and to take TARPEYO in the morning, at least 1 hour before a meal [See Dosage and Administration].Advise patients to avoid the consumption of grapefruit juice for the duration of their TARPEYO therapy [See Drug Interactions ].
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