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药品介绍 这种药物是2种药物的组合:达格列净和沙格列汀。它与适当的饮食和锻炼计划一起使用,以控制 2 型糖尿病患者的高血糖。控制高血糖有助于预防肾损伤、失明、神经问题、四肢丧失和性功能问题。
如何服用QTERN Qtern通常每天早上服用一次。遵循处方标签上的所有说明,并阅读所有药物指南或说明表。您的医生可能偶尔会改变您的剂量。在用这种药物治疗之前和期间可能需要检查您的肾功能。吞下整个片剂,不要压碎、咀嚼或打破它。您可以在有或没有食物的情况下服用这种药物。如果您因呕吐或腹泻而生病,如果您摄入的食物或液体比平时少,或者如果您出汗比平时多,请致电您的医生。您的血糖需要经常检查,您可能还需要测试尿液中的酮体水平。达格列净可引起危及生命的酮症酸中毒(血液中酸过多)。即使您的血糖正常,如果尿液检查显示尿液中有酮体,请联系您的医生。您可能患有低血糖(低血糖症),并且感到非常饥饿、头晕、易怒、困惑、焦虑或颤抖。为了快速治疗低血糖,吃或喝速效糖源(果汁、硬糖、饼干、葡萄干或非无糖苏打水)。您的医生可能会开胰高血糖素注射试剂盒,以防您患有严重的低血糖症。确保您的家人或亲密朋友知道如何在紧急情况下给您注射这种药物。还要注意高血糖(高血糖症)的迹象,例如口渴或排尿增加。血糖水平会受到压力、疾病、手术、运动、饮酒或不吃饭的影响。在改变剂量或用药时间表之前,请咨询您的医生。这种药物会影响某些医学检查的结果。告诉任何治疗您的医生您正在使用Qtern。在室温下储存,远离潮湿和热源。
Pancreatitis Inform patients that acute pancreatitis has been reported during postmarketinguse of saxagliptin. Inform patients that persistent severe abdominal pain,sometimes radiating to the back, which may or may not be accompanied by vomiting, is the hallmark symptom of acute pancreatitis. Instruct patients to promptly discontinue QTERN and contact their healthcare
provider if persistent severe abdominal pain occurs
Heart Failure Inform patients of the signs and symptoms of heart failure. Instruct patients tocontact their healthcare provider as soon as possible if they experience symptomsof heart failure, including increasing shortness of breath, rapid increase in weight orswelling of the feet
Ketoacidosis Inform patients that ketoacidosis is a serious life-threatening condition and that
cases of ketoacidosis have been reported during use of dapagliflozin, sometimes associated with illness or surgery among other risk factors. Instruct patients to check ketones (when possible) if symptoms consistent with ketoacidosis occur even if blood glucose is not elevated. If symptoms of ketoacidosis (including nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, tiredness, and labored breathing) occur, instruct
patients to discontinue QTERN and seek medical attention immediately
Volume Depletion Inform patients that symptomatic hypotension may occur with QTERN and advise them to contact their healthcare provider if they experience such symptoms.
Inform patients that dehydration may increase the risk for hypotension, and to have adequate fluid intake.
Serious Urinary Tract Infections Inform patients of the potential for urinary tract infections, which may be serious. Inform them of the symptoms of urinary tract infections and advise them to seek medical advice if such symptoms occur。
Hypoglycemia Inform patients that the incidence of hypoglycemia may be increased when QTERN is added to an insulin secretagogue (e.g., sulfonylurea) or insulin.
Necrotizing Fasciitis of the Perineum (Fournier’s Gangrene) Inform patients that necrotizing infections of the perineum (Fournier’s gangrene) have occurred with dapagliflozin, a component of QTERN. Counsel patients to promptly seek medical attention if they develop pain or tenderness, redness, or swelling of the genitals or the area from the genitals back to the rectum, along with a fever above 100.4°F or malaise。
Hypersensitivity Reactions Inform patients that serious hypersensitivity reactions (e.g., anaphylaxis, angioedema, urticaria, and exfoliative skin conditions) have been reported with dapagliflozin and saxagliptin, components of QTERN. Symptoms of these allergic reactions include: rash, skin flaking or peeling, urticaria, swelling of the skin, or swelling of the face, lips, tongue, and throat that may cause difficulty in breathing
or swallowing. Advise patients to immediately report any signs or symptoms suggesting allergic reaction, angioedema or exfoliative skin conditions, and stop taking QTERN and seek medical advice promptly.
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