--------------------------------------------------------------- 详细处方信息以本药内容附件PDF文件(20213318410723.pdf)的“原文Priscribing Information”为准 --------------------------------------------------------------- 部分CABOMETYX处方资料(仅供参考)
初始批准:2012 欧洲批准:2016年9月16日
⑴ 推荐剂量:60mg口服,每天1次。
⑵ 指导患者服用CABOMETYX前和后至少1小时不要吃共至少2小时。
⑶ 不要用卡赞替尼胶囊替代CABOMETYX片。
⑴ 出血:如最近严重出血病史不要给予CABOMETYX。
⑵ GI穿孔和瘘管:监视症状。对不能适当地处理或穿孔的瘘管终止。
⑶ 血栓性事件:对心肌梗死,脑梗塞,或其他严重动脉血栓栓塞事件终止CABOMETYX。
⑸ 腹泻:可能是严重。立即中断CABOMETYX治疗直至腹泻解决或减轻至1级。推荐标准抗治疗。
⑹ 掌跖红感觉迟钝综合征(PPES):中断CABOMETYX治疗直至PPES解决或减轻至1级。
⑺ 可逆性后部白质脑病综合征(RPLS):终止CABOMETYX。
⑻ 胚胎-胎儿毒性:可致胎儿危害。忠告生殖潜能女性对胎儿潜在风险和使用有效避孕。
最常报道的(≥ 25%)不良反应为:腹泻,疲乏,恶心,食欲减退,掌跖红感觉迟钝综合征(PPES),高血压,呕吐,体重减低,和便秘。
⑴ 轻度至中度肝受损:减低CABOMETYX剂量。
⑵ 哺乳:当服用CABOMETYX时忠告不要哺乳喂养。
生产厂家:易普森公司 Ipsen Pharma
CABOMETYXTM (cabozantinib) tablets for oral use
Initial Approval: 2012 European Approval: September 16, 2016
Action mechanism
In vitro biochemical and/or cytological analysis showed that cazanidatin inhibits MET, VEGFR-1, -2 and -3, AXL, RET, ROS1, TYRO3, MER, KIT, TRKB, FLT-3, and TIE -2 tyrosine kinase activity. These receptor tyrosine kinases are involved in both normal cytological and pathological processes such as tumorigenesis, metastasis, tumor angiogenesis, drug resistance, and maintenance of the tumor comfort environment.
Indications and Uses
CABOMETYX is a kinase inhibitor suitable for the treatment of patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma (RCC) who have received previous anti-angiogenic therapy.
Dose and method of administration
(1) Recommended dose: 60mg orally, once a day.
(2) Instruct patients to take at least 2 hours before and after taking CABOMETYX for at least 1 hour.
(3) Do not replace CABOMETYX tablets with cazantinib capsules.
Formulations and specifications
20 mg, 40 mg, and 60 mg tablets.
Warnings and Precautions
(1) Bleeding: Do not give CABOMETYX a history of severe bleeding.
(2) GI perforation and fistula: monitor symptoms. The fistula that is not properly treated or perforated is terminated.
(3) Thrombotic events: CABOMETYX is terminated for myocardial infarction, cerebral infarction, or other severe arterial thromboembolic events.
(4) Hypertension and hypertensive crisis: Regularly monitor blood pressure. CABOMETYX can be terminated by not being able to control hypertensive crisis or severe hypertension with antihypertensive therapy.
(5) Diarrhea: May be severe. Immediately discontinue CABOMETYX treatment until diarrhea is resolved or reduced to level 1. Recommended standard anti-treatment.
(6) Palmoplantar Red Syndrome Syndrome (PPES): discontinue CABOMETYX treatment until PPES resolves or reduces to grade 1.
(7) Reversible posterior leukoencephalopathy syndrome (RPLS): termination of CABOMETYX.
(8) Embryo-fetal toxicity: can cause fetal harm. Advise women with reproductive potential on potential risks to the fetus and use effective contraception.
Adverse reactions
The most frequently reported (≥ 25%) adverse reactions were: diarrhea, fatigue, nausea, loss of appetite, palmoplantar redness syndrome (PPES), hypertension, vomiting, weight loss, and constipation.
Drug interaction
Strong CYP3A4 inhibitor: Reduce the CABOMETYX dose.
Use in special people
(1) Mild to moderate liver damage: Reduce the CABOMETYX dose.
(2) Breastfeeding: Do not breastfeed when taking CABOMETYX.
Manufacturer: Ipsen Pharma
February 29, 2016, Exelixis and Ipsen jointly announced an exclusive licensing agreement for the commercialization and further development of cabozantinib indications outside of the United States, Canada and Japan.
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