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罗氏鲜 罗氏鲜(Xenical)是商品名,它的学名是orlistat,英文名称是Xenical。罗氏鲜是目前唯一临床上被证实会排油的产品,只要饮食中含油脂,罗氏鲜就会将三分之一油脂排出,而且排油量会与饮食的油脂含量成正比。由于脂肪吸收减少,所以油溶性维他命有时会吸收困难,需要加强补充。
作用方式 作用方式是在小肠的吸收脂肪过程中,对脂肪分解酵素产生抑制作用,结果是脂肪不能被分解成较小的脂肪酸来吸收,所以就不太会因为肥肉吃多而发胖。使用这个药物会因为脂肪无法被吸收而产生润滑性腹泻,也就是上厕所会拉出一堆油出来。这和吃太多油条会因为无法失收那么多油造成腹泻的情况是一样的。 正确服用罗氏鲜三个月体重减少大于5 %时,到第六个月将减重12.4 %以上。积极配合饮食与运动者,其疗效更甚于上述之结果。更重要的是使用罗氏减重时,每减10公斤可减去7公斤的油脂体内的脂肪。最重要的是罗氏鲜的副作用比较少。 俗称“蓝色小丸子”、“让你酷”的减肥药“罗氏鲜”在台湾上市,限定为医师处方药,每颗大约新台币四十元,由于水货及假货猖獗,正厂药的包装除有雷射防伪标志,还有特殊的绿色贴纸。
销售 一九九八年六月于新西兰首先上市,短短两年已获一百二十余国核准上市,全世界的使用人口有八百三十万人,去年底获准在台湾上市,各医院和药局都有货,但是要由医师开立处方,需要减肥的民众才拿得到。 国核准上市,全世界的使用人口有八百三十万人,去年底获准在台湾上市,各医院和药局都有货,但是要由医师开立处方,需要减肥的民众才拿得到。 在美国,“罗氏鲜”一颗售价是一点三美元,在台湾上市后,售价与美国差不多,二十一颗盒装是新台币八百四十元,四十二颗盒装是一千六百八十元,台湾没有八十四颗盒装,三餐饭后半小时内服用一颗,每天至少要花新台币一百二十元药费。
实验报告 根据三军总医院的临床试验报告,罗氏鲜的作用在于抑制脂肪(酉每)的吸收,阻断油脂的吸收,可减去体重的百分之五到十左右,受试者平均半年内可以减三到四公斤。
新闻 减肥药Xenical(罗氏鲜)日前在台湾上市,但是它不适用于怀孕及哺乳的妇女、肝功能异常、慢性吸收不良、胆汁郁滞、对成份过敏的民众,专科医师也不建议青少年使用,使用后可能会发生放油屁、胃胀气、失禁等副作用。 台大医院家医科减重门诊主治医师黄国晋指出,由于人种体质的关系,美国的大胖子是身高质量指数(BMI,体重除以身高平方的比值)大于三十时,才需要使用罗氏鲜减肥,台湾人再怎么胖,很少人超过三十,所以一般是超过二十六,才需要减肥。 黄国晋说,使用罗氏鲜半年,可以减轻体重的百分之五到十,相较之下,饮食与运动双管齐下,半年也可以瘦百分之十的体重。 现在青少女追求苗条纤细的体型,永远嫌自己胖,时时要速效减肥,黄国晋说,青少年尚未发育成熟,不建议使用罗氏鲜减肥。 根据国内外的报告,罗氏鲜的常见副作用是放油屁沾裤、胃胀气、急便、排油、排便增加及排便失禁,以及搔痒、荨麻疹等。 黄国晋说,罗氏鲜的药理作用是抑制三分之一的脂肪吸收,所以长期使用,还会造成脂溶性维他命A、D、E、K等维生素缺乏,以及皮肤干燥,服用三个月后必需补充,而且与罗氏鲜错开使用。 发表鸡尾酒减肥的台北市立忠孝医院减重门诊主治医师刘伯恩认为,由于台湾人的饮食偏重米面食,脂肪摄取量不如欧美民众,所以对于饭量大、爱吃淀粉类食物的台湾胖子,吃罗氏鲜的减肥效果要打折扣。
Xenical Xenical® (orlistat) is currently one of the only prescription weight loss treatments available to help people with a BMI (body mass index) over 30. Unlike most past weight loss medications, Xenical works directly in the stomach and doesn't influence the hormonal balances in the brain. Xenical works by preventing up to 30% of the fat you consume per meal from being absorbed and taken to your body's fat stores. In clinical trials, Xenical proved to be very effective, and helped participants lose between 5% and 10% of their body weight.
There is no doubt that following a healthy, balanced diet and doing a reasonable amount of exercise is the only way to lose weight and keep it off over the long term. However, if your health is at risk and you are struggling to lose weight, using a weight loss treatment such as Xenical can help make your efforts more successful. We offer a safe and convenient way for you to order this treatment, all you have to do to start the process is complete a free and confidential consultation form.
What are the benefits? Xenical is currently the only available prescription weight loss medication to help people to lose weight. If combined with a healthy diet (preferably with a fat content of around 30% or less) and exercise, it can provide noticeable results within two to three months of starting treatment. Losing weight can reduce your chances of developing problems such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease and diabetes significantly.
How does Xenical work? Xenical contains the active ingredient orlistat, which doesn't work in the brain. This means it won't influence your mood and makes the effects of this medication more predictable. Once in your body, Xenical works to prevent enzymes from breaking down fat so that it can be absorbed by your digestive system and stored. This means that a third of the fat per meal you consume gets blocked and just passes through your system. We also recommend that you use a vitamin supplement when you take this medication, as some vitamins are absorbed with the fat you consume.
Who can take Xenical? You can buy Xenical online if you are over 18 your BMI is over 30, or if you have underlying weight-related health conditions that may be putting your life at risk. You will be asked to complete an online consultation before placing your order with HealthExpress.co.uk, so it's important that you mention any medical conditions or medications you are taking so that our doctors can make sure that this medication is right for you to use.
How do I take Xenical? One Xenical tablet should be taken with a full glass of water during or at the latest one hour after each meal, up to three times a day. One of the most common side effects of this medication are oily stools, but this can easily be avoided by making sure that your meals contain less than 30% fat or are low in calories. Should you have a meal with a particularly low fat content, or with no fat content at all, you don't need to take a tablet with it.
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