--------------------------------------------------------------- 详细处方信息以本药内容附件PDF文件(201911212173729.pdf)的“原文Priscribing Information”为准 --------------------------------------------------------------- 部分中文吉三代(伊柯鲁沙)处方资料(仅供参考)
吉三代(伊柯鲁沙Epclusa)是吉利德公司又一个以索菲布韦为骨架的丙肝直接抗病毒药,是由索菲布韦(Sofosbuvir,SOF)400mg+维帕他韦 (Velpasvir, VEL)100mg组成的复合片剂(SOF/VEL)。它是全球首款,也是唯一一个全口服、泛基因型、单一片剂的丙肝治疗新药,适用于治疗全部6种基因型丙肝,药效远优于吉二代,副作用极小,治疗时间较短,仅需12周即可痊愈。此外,吉三代也是获批治疗基因型2和基因型3丙肝的首个单一片剂方案(不需要联合利巴韦林),标志着丙肝临床治疗的重大进步。
Epclusa是一种含有活性物质sofosbuvir和velpatasvir的药物。 它被用于治疗18岁及以上成人的慢性(长期)肝脏病毒感染,称为丙型肝炎。该药物中的活性物质通过阻断病毒需要生长和繁殖的两种不同蛋白质共同作用,使感染永久地从体内消除。
2、对肝硬化患者有效率非常高:美国FDA批准吉三代与利巴韦林联合使用治疗丙肝肝硬化患者,临床统计显示肝硬化患者接受吉三代与利巴韦林联合治疗,治愈率(SVR12)高达 96%以上。
患者类型 推荐用药方案 无肝硬化或代偿期肝硬化
(Child-Pugh分级A) 吉三代12周 失代偿期肝硬化
(Child-Pugh分级B或C) 吉三代+利巴韦林12周
【What Epclusa is and what it is used for】
Epclusa is a medicine that contains the active substances sofosbuvir and velpatasvir in a single tablet. It is given to treat a chronic (long-term) viral infection of the liver called hepatitis C in adults of 18 years and older.
The active substances in this medicine work together by blocking two different proteins that the virus needs to grow and reproduce itself, allowing the infection to be permanently eliminated from the body.
Epclusa is sometimes taken with another medicine, ribavirin.
It is very important that you also read the leaflets for the other medicines that you will be taking with Epclusa. If you have any questions about your medicines, please ask your doctor or pharmacist.
【What you need to know before you take Epclusa】
Do not take Epclusa
• If you are allergic to sofosbuvir, velpatasvir or any of the other ingredients of this medicine (listed in section 6 of this leaflet).
• If you are currently taking any of the following medicines:
• rifampicin and rifabutin (antibiotics used to treat infections, including tuberculosis);
• St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum – herbal medicine used to treat depression);
• carbamazepine, phenobarbital and phenytoin (medicines used to treat epilepsy and prevent seizures);
【Children and adolescents】
Do not give this medicine to children and adolescents under 18 years of age. The use of Epclusa in children and adolescents has not yet been studied.
【Pregnancy and contraception】
The effects of Epclusa during pregnancy are not known. If you are pregnant, think you may be
pregnant or are planning to have a baby, ask your doctor for advice before taking this medicine.
Epclusa is sometimes used together with ribavirin. Ribavirin can harm your unborn baby. It is therefore very important that you (or your partner) do not become pregnant during this treatment or for a period of time after completing treatment. You must read the “Pregnancy” section in the ribavirin package leaflet very carefully. Ask your doctor for effective contraception method suitable for you and your partner.
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