--------------------------------------------------------------- 详细处方信息以本药内容附件PDF文件(20191619101439.pdf)的“原文Priscribing Information”为准 --------------------------------------------------------------- 部分中文广义广谱猫和猫咪驱虫药片处方资料(仅供参考)
【英文名称】Drontal Broad Spectrum Dewormer Tablets for Cats and Kittens(2 to 16lbs)
Drontal(吡喹酮/噻嘧啶双羟萘酸酯)片将去除猫的绦虫(Dipylidium caninum,Taeniataeniaeformis),钩虫(Ancylostoma tubaeforme)和大蛔虫(Toxocara cati)
绦虫的存在表现在猫的粪便中通过绦虫片段。绦虫片段为白色,粉红色 - 白色或黄白色,其大小和形状与扁平的米粒相似。最常见的是在新鲜通过的粪便上观察到这些节段。也可以在动物肛门周围的毛发上或动物的床上用品上找到细分。
体重在9-12磅,用1 1/2片
在两项控制良好的实验室研究中,共有93只猫具有自然获得的寄生虫感染,以确定Drontal®片剂的功效。 此外,在美国不同地理位置的六个兽医诊所进行的临床实地研究中包括了85只不同大小,年龄和品种的猫和小猫。 数据表明98%的猫是在治疗后7天内完全清除寄生虫感染。 这些研究表明,Drontal®片剂对于去除标签上指示的寄生虫物种是安全有效的。
在安全性研究期间,用最高推荐的Drontal片剂剂量10倍治疗的猫显示出呕吐和流涎的迹象而没有其他不良反应。 在临床实地研究中使用推荐剂量的Drontal Tablets治疗的85只猫中有83只没有表现出任何药物相关的副作用。 据报道,一只猫暂时失食,第二只猫出现短暂的稀便。
储存温度为20°C-25°C(68°F-77°F),允许偏差在15°C-30°C(59°F-86°F)之间。 简要
暴露在高达40°C(77°F)的温度下; 但应尽量减少这种暴露。
Drontal (praziquantel/pyrantel pamoate) Broad Spectrum Dewormer Tablets for Cats and Kittens are scored for easy breakage. Each tablet contains 18.2 mg praziquantel and 72.6 mg pyrantel base as pyrantel pamoate.
Drontal (praziquantel/ pyrantel pamoate) tablets will remove Tapeworms (Dipylidium caninum, Taeniataeniaeformis), Hookworms (Ancylostoma tubaeforme), and Large Roundworms (Toxocara cati) in cats and kittens.
The presence of tapeworms is indicated by the observance of tapeworm segments passed in the cat'sfeces. Tapeworm segments are white, pinkish-white or yellow-white in color and are similar in size and shape to flattened grains of rice. The segments are most frequently observed lying on a freshly passed stool. Segments may also be found on the hair around the anus of the animal or on the animal's bedding.
Cats become infected with tapeworms after eating fleas or small mammals (rabbits, mice) which may be infected with tapeworm larvae.
Hookworms are small whitish or reddish-brown worms less than one inch in length that live in the intestinal tract and feed on blood. Cats can become infected with hookworms by swallowing infected larvae while grooming or when larvae from the environment burrow through the skin. Cats infected with
hookworms may have poor physical condition, dull haircoat, and reduced body weight and diarrhea, sometimes with the presence of dark blood.
Large roundworms are white or yellow-white strands 2-7 inches in length (similar in size and color to smooth strings of spaghetti) that may be observed in the cat's vomit or feces. Cats become infected with large roundworms by swallowing infective eggs, particularly while grooming, or by ingestion of mice
that may be infected with larval stages.
Large roundworms and hookworms pass eggs in the feces of the cat that can only be observed with the aid of a microscope.
The presence of these parasites should be confirmed through identification of parasite eggs in the feces.Consult your veterinarian for assistance in the diagnosis, treatment and control of parasites.
Large roundworms and hookworms may be observed in the feces of the cat a day or so after the cat has been treated with Drontal® Tablets. The majority of tapeworms, however, are digested and are not found in the feces after treatment.
A total of 93 cats with naturally acquired parasite infections were included in two well-controlled laboratory studies to establish the efficacy of Drontal® Tablets. In addition, 85 cats and kittens of various sizes, ages and breeds were included in clinical field studies conducted at six veterinary clinics at different geographic locations throughout the United States. Data indicate 98% of the cats were completely cleared of parasite infections within 7 days of treatment. These studies demonstrated Drontal® Tablets are safe and efficacious for the removal of the parasite species indicated on the label when used as directed.
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