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  药店国别: 澳大利亚药房
产地国家: 澳大利亚
所属类别: 心血管系统药物->降胆固醇
包装规格: 10毫克/5毫克/片 30片
Rosuzet 10mg/5mg 60tabs/box
Ezetimibe, rosuvastatin
Rosuzet 10毫克/5毫克/片 30片
Ezetimibe, rosuvastatin
high cholesterol

什么ROSUZET复合包是用于 ROSUZET复合PACK有助于降低胆固醇水平。它采用的是人,他们的胆固醇水平过高,当饮食本身并不能降低这些水平充分。 什么是高胆固醇 胆固醇在血液中发现了一些脂肪类物质之一。你的总胆固醇由低密度脂蛋白和高密度脂蛋白胆固醇高达为主。 LDL胆固醇通常被称为“坏”胆固醇,因为它可以在动脉形成斑块的壁积聚。最终,这斑块积聚可导致动脉变窄。这种变窄可以减缓或阻止血液流向重要器官,如心脏和大脑。这种阻塞血流可导致心脏发作或中风。 HDL胆固醇通常被称为“好”胆固醇,因为它有助于保持坏胆固醇从动脉中的建立和防止心脏疾病。 如何ROSUZET复合PACK工程 ROSUZET复合PACK是一个组合包,其包含两种不同的药物。一个是Ezetrol(依泽替米贝),另一种是罗苏伐他汀(罗苏伐他汀钙)。 ROSUZET复合PACK降低升高的总胆固醇,低密度脂蛋白(“坏”胆固醇)和增加高密度脂蛋白(“好”胆固醇)。 ROSUZET复合PACK作品通过降低胆固醇在小肠的吸收,并通过降低胆固醇在肝脏的款额。 你的医生可能会处方ROSUZET复合PACK的另一个原因。 问问你的医生,如果您有关于为什么ROSUZET复合包已被指定为你的任何问题。 ROSUZET复合PACK是不会上瘾的。 ROSUZET复合PACK只能凭医生处方。 使用儿童 ROSUZET复合包是不推荐用于儿童。 在你采取ROSUZET复合PACK 当你不能把它 不要把ROSUZET复合包如果: 你有过敏ROSUZET复合包装或任何列于本小册子的最后成分。 过敏反应的症状可能包括: 呼吸急促 喘息或者呼吸困难 面部肿胀,嘴唇,舌头,咽喉或身体的其他部位 皮疹,对皮肤瘙痒或荨麻疹 你有肌肉疼痛,压痛或虚弱的用于治疗高胆固醇或甘油三酯等药物。 你是孕妇或准备怀孕。 如果你是生育年龄的妇女,并正在采取ROSUZET复合时,用节育证明的方法,以避免怀孕。 如果你在怀孕期间服用的药物可能会影响你发育中的胎儿。 你是母乳喂养。 此药可进入乳汁,影响宝宝。 你有活动性肝病。 你正在服用含夫西地酸的药物(细菌感染) 包在到期日期已过或者如果包装撕裂或显示篡改的迹象。 如果你把ROSUZET复合包后届满日期已过,它可能无法正常工作。 返回任何过期或损坏的ROSUZET复合PACK到您的药剂师处置 不要把ROSUZET复合PACK连同非诺贝特,如果: 你有胆囊疾病。 不要使用ROSUZET复合PACK 10毫克+ 40毫克,如果你: 具有低甲状腺激素水平(甲状腺功能减退) 有遗传性肌肉疾病个人或家族病史 有肌肉问题,以前的历史,从使用其他药物用于治疗高胆固醇或甘油三酯 有非常大量饮酒史 患有严重的肾脏损伤 是亚裔 正在服用另一种类型的降脂药的称为贝特类 在服用复合ROSUZET 10毫克PACK + 40毫克,谈谈你的医生了解情况,可以增加血液中瑞舒伐他汀水平。 也谈谈你的医生,如果你不知道你是否应该开始服用复合ROSUZET PACK。 在你开始把它 你的医生会问你有你的肝功能测试,你开始采取ROSUZET复合包之前。 告诉你的医生,如果: 有任何过敏任何其他药物或任何其他物质,例如食品,防腐剂或染料。 你有,或曾经有过任何医疗条件,其中包括: 肝脏问题 你的医生会做一个血液测试,以确保您有没有问题,你的肝脏。 肾脏问题 肌肉问题的个人或家族病史 肌肉疼痛,压痛或虚弱的用于治疗高胆固醇或甘油三酯其他药物 在你的肌肉无法解释的肌肉疼痛或疼痛 呼吸困难 低甲状腺激素水平(甲状腺功能减退) 糖尿病或风险因素为糖尿病 你经常喝酒。过量饮酒可能不安全采取ROSUZET复合PACK患者。 如果你还没有告诉你对任何上述情况,告诉他/她你开始服用复合ROSUZET包之前。 服用其他药品 告诉你的医生或药剂师,如果你正在服用其他药物,包括任何你买,不从药房,超市或保健品商店处方。 一些药物不应该采取与ROSUZET复合PACK,包括: 夫西地酸,抗生素用于治疗感染 非诺贝特(一种药物,以降低甘油三酯水平),如果你有胆囊疾病 有些药物可能会影响ROSUZET复合包装或可能影响以及它如何运作,或可能会增加副作用ROSUZET PACK组合的风险。您可能需要的药品数量不同,或者您可能需要采取不同的药物或把你的药在不同的时间。你的医生会建议你。 告诉你的医生,如果... 告诉你的医生,如果你正在服用以下任何一项: 胆汁酸多价螯合剂,如消胆胺,用于降低胆固醇水平 其他药物来降低胆固醇或甘油三酯水平,例如,吉非贝齐,其他贝特类,维生素B3 华法林,用于防止血液凝块 结合使用利托那韦HIV感染的治疗各种蛋白酶抑制剂 环孢菌素,用于抑制免疫系统 抗酸剂,用于治疗反流或溃疡。 ROSUZET复合PACK应采取前2小时或服用抗酸剂后2小时。 你的医生或药剂师对药品的详细信息要小心或避免同时服用复合ROSUZET PACK。 如果你还没有告诉你对任何上述情况,告诉他们你开始服用复合ROSUZET包之前。 如何采取ROSUZET复合PACK 就拿ROSUZET复合PACK只有当医生处方。 请按照您的医生或药剂师仔细给你所有的方向。 他们可能不同于包含在本手册中的信息。 如果你不明白这些指示,要求您的医生或药剂师寻求帮助。 如果你正在服用的药物,它包含依泽替米贝和/或瑞舒伐他汀其中包含在ROSUZET复合包装: 停止服用中药电流(S)包含依泽替米贝和/或罗苏伐他汀,因为这可能会导致你采取更多药比你的需要 拿剩下的药(S)到你的药剂师进行安全处置 请与您的医生,如果你不知道你正在服用药品。 多少拿 有在ROSUZET复合PACK两种不同的药物。你的医生会开一个力量是适合你的。您采取ROSUZET复合PACK正是如下:这是非常重要的: 采取一Ezetrol(依折麦布)平板电脑和一个MSD罗苏伐他汀(瑞舒伐他汀)在平板电脑,每天同一时间一次。 如果你的医生也增加了你采取ROSUZET复合片PACK的实力,不要拿多剂量强度较低ROSUZET复合片PACK,而不是新的更高强度的片剂,因为这所有剩余物资将导致你采取更多医药(依折麦布)比你所需要的。 如何把它 吞下药片整体采用了全玻璃水。 不要咀嚼或压碎药片。 当把它 ROSUZET复合PACK可以采取在一天中的任何时间。然而,ROSUZET复合PACK应每天采取在大约相同的时间。 以它在同一时间,每天都会有最佳的效果。它也将帮助你记得把它。 就拿ROSUZET复合PACK或没有食物。 以ROSUZET复合PACK与其他降胆固醇药物 你的医生可能会要求你采取ROSUZET复合PACK与其他降胆固醇药物,如胆汁酸螯合剂。 如果你正在服用胆汁酸螯合剂,如消胆胺,采取ROSUZET复合PACK无论是前至少两小时,四个小时服用胆汁酸螯合剂之后。 多长时间把它 就拿ROSUZET复合PACK每天继续服用它,只要你的医生告诉你。 ROSUZET复合PACK有助于降低你的胆固醇水平,但并不能治愈你的病情。如果你停止服用复合ROSUZET收拾你的胆固醇水平可能会再次上升。 如果你忘了把它 如果它几乎是你的下一次剂量,跳过你错过的剂量,并采取你的下一个剂量,当你打算。否则,把它只要你记住,然后再回去把你的平板电脑,你通常会。 不要采取双重剂量,以弥补你错过了剂量。 这可能会增加你得到一个副作用的机会。 如果你不知道该怎么做,告诉你的医生或药剂师。 如果你不记得把你的药,问你的药剂师一些提示。 如果你把太多(过量) 立即电话联系医生或毒物信息中心(电话13 11 26)咨询,或去急症室,在最近的医院,如果你认为你或其他人可能采取太多ROSUZET复合包。做到这一点即使有不适或中毒迹象。 你或其他人可能需要紧急就医。 当你正在服用复合ROSUZET PACK 事情你必须做 如果你怀孕你正在服用复合ROSUZET同时PACK,停止服用,并立即告诉你的医生。 保持你的医生的所有约会。 即使你正在服用药物来治疗高胆固醇,重要的是有规律地测量你的胆固醇。你也应该知道你的胆固醇水平和目标。 你的医生会问你有时间,从你的肝脏功能测试,以时间你正在服用复合ROSUZET而PACK。这可能有助于避免不必要的副作用。 你的医生可能会调整剂量根据测试的结果。如果你即将在任何新的药物开始,告诉你的医生和药剂师你正在服用复合ROSUZET PACK。 告诉其他任何医生,牙医和药剂师谁对待你,你正在服用复合ROSUZET PACK。 事情你一定不能做 不要把ROSUZET复合PACK对待任何其他条件,除非你的医生告诉你。 不要给ROSUZET复合PACK给其他人,即使他们有相同的条件下,你。 事情要小心 避免饮用大量酒精。 长期大量饮酒的酒精同时服用复合ROSUZET PACK可能会增加你获得肝脏问题的机会。 小心驾驶或操作机器,直到你知道ROSUZET复合PACK如何影响你。 曾有报道用ROSUZET复合PACK的副作用,可能会影响你的驾驶能力或操作机器。到ROSUZET复合PACK个体反应可能会有所不同。 物联网可以帮助您的病情 生活方式的改变 - 这包括降低胆固醇的饮食,增加体力活动,和体重管理。增加体力活动之前询问你的医生的意见。 药品 - 降胆固醇药物一起使用与生活方式的改变,帮助降低胆固醇。 副作用 告诉你的医生或药剂师尽快如果你不觉得你正在服用复合ROSUZET很好PACK时。 ROSUZET复合PACK有助于最高的人的胆固醇水平,但它可以具有在少数人有害的副作用。所有的药物可能有副作用。有时候,他们是认真的,大部分时间他们都没有。您可能需要医疗照顾,如果你得到一些副作用。 不要被副作用以下列表感到震惊。 What ROSUZET COMPOSITE PACK is used for ROSUZET COMPOSITE PACK helps to lower cholesterol levels. It is used in people whose cholesterol levels are too high and when diet alone cannot lower these levels adequately. What is high cholesterol Cholesterol is one of several fatty substances found in the bloodstream. Your total cholesterol is made up mainly of LDL and HDL cholesterol. LDL cholesterol is often called "bad" cholesterol because it can build up in the walls of your arteries forming plaque. Eventually this plaque build-up can lead to a narrowing of the arteries. This narrowing can slow or block blood flow to vital organs such as the heart and brain. This blocking of blood flow can result in a heart attack or stroke. HDL cholesterol is often called "good" cholesterol because it helps keep the bad cholesterol from building up in the arteries and protects against heart disease. How ROSUZET COMPOSITE PACK works ROSUZET COMPOSITE PACK is a combination pack, which contains two different medicines. One is Ezetrol (ezetimibe) and the other is rosuvastatin (rosuvastatin calcium). ROSUZET COMPOSITE PACK reduces elevated total-cholesterol, LDL ('bad') cholesterol and increases HDL ('good') cholesterol. ROSUZET COMPOSITE PACK works by decreasing the absorption of cholesterol in the small intestine and by reducing the amount of cholesterol made in the liver. Your doctor may have prescribed ROSUZET COMPOSITE PACK for another reason. Ask your doctor if you have any questions about why ROSUZET COMPOSITE PACK has been prescribed for you. ROSUZET COMPOSITE PACK is not addictive. ROSUZET COMPOSITE PACK is available only with a doctor's prescription. Use in children ROSUZET COMPOSITE PACK is not recommended for use in children. Before you take ROSUZET COMPOSITE PACK When you must not take it Do not take ROSUZET COMPOSITE PACK if: you have an allergy to ROSUZET COMPOSITE PACK or any of the ingredients listed at the end of this leaflet. Symptoms of an allergic reaction may include: shortness of breath wheezing or difficulty breathing swelling of the face, lips, tongue, throat or other parts of the body rash, itching or hives on the skin you have had muscle pain, tenderness or weakness from other medicines used to treat high cholesterol or triglycerides. you are pregnant or intend to become pregnant. If you are a woman of child-bearing age and are taking ROSUZET COMPOSITE PACK, use a proven method of birth control to avoid pregnancy. The medicine may affect your developing baby if you take it during pregnancy. you are breast-feeding. This medicine may pass into breast milk and affect your baby. you have active liver disease. you are taking any medicine containing fusidic acid (for bacterial infections) the expiry date on the pack has passed or if the packaging is torn or shows signs of tampering. If you take ROSUZET COMPOSITE PACK after the expiry date has passed, it may not work. Return any expired or damaged ROSUZET COMPOSITE PACK to your pharmacist for disposal Do not take ROSUZET COMPOSITE PACK together with fenofibrate if: you have gall bladder disease. Do not use ROSUZET COMPOSITE PACK 10mg+40mg if you: have low thyroid hormone levels (hypothyroidism) have a personal or family history of hereditary muscular disorders have a previous history of muscular problems from using other medicines used to treat high cholesterol or triglycerides have a history of very heavy alcohol consumption have severe kidney impairment are of Asian descent are taking another type of lipid-lowering medicine called a fibrate Before taking ROSUZET COMPOSITE PACK 10mg+40mg, talk to your doctor about situations that can increase rosuvastatin blood levels. Also talk to your doctor if you are not sure whether you should start taking ROSUZET COMPOSITE PACK. Before you start to take it Your doctor will ask you to have your liver function tested before you start to take ROSUZET COMPOSITE PACK. Tell your doctor if: you have any allergies to any other medicines or any other substances, such as foods, preservatives or dyes. you have, or have had, any medical condition, including: liver problems Your doctor will do a blood test to make sure you have no problems with your liver. kidney problems personal or family history of muscle problems muscle pain, tenderness or weakness from other medicines used to treat high cholesterol or triglycerides unexplained muscle aches or pains in your muscle breathing problems low thyroid hormone levels (hypothyroidism) diabetes or risk factors for diabetes you drink alcohol regularly. Excessive alcohol consumption may not be safe in patients taking ROSUZET COMPOSITE PACK. If you have not told your doctor about any of the above, tell him/her before you start taking ROSUZET COMPOSITE PACK. Taking other medicines Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking any other medicines, including any that you buy without a prescription from your pharmacy, supermarket or health food shop. Some medicines should not be taken with ROSUZET COMPOSITE PACK, including: fusidic acid, antibiotic used to treat infection fenofibrate (a medicine to lower triglyceride levels) if you have gall bladder disease Some medicines may be affected by ROSUZET COMPOSITE PACK, or may affect how well it works, or may increase the risk of side effects with ROSUZET COMPOSITE PACK. You may need different amounts of your medicines, or you may need to take different medicines or take your medicines at different times. Your doctor will advise you. Tell your doctor if... Tell your doctor if you are taking any of the following: bile acid sequestrants, such as cholestyramine, used to lower cholesterol levels other medicines to lower cholesterol or triglyceride levels, for example, gemfibrozil, other fibrates, Vitamin B3 warfarin, used to prevent blood clots various protease inhibitors used in combination with ritonavir for the treatment of HIV infection cyclosporin, used to suppress the immune system antacids, used to treat reflux or ulcers. ROSUZET COMPOSITE PACK should be taken 2 hours before or 2 hours after taking antacid. Your doctor or pharmacist has more information on medicines to be careful with or avoid while taking ROSUZET COMPOSITE PACK. If you have not told your doctor about any of the above, tell them before you start taking ROSUZET COMPOSITE PACK. How to take ROSUZET COMPOSITE PACK Take ROSUZET COMPOSITE PACK only when prescribed by your doctor. Follow all directions given to you by your doctor or pharmacist carefully. They may differ from the information contained in this leaflet. If you do not understand these instructions, ask your doctor or pharmacist for help. If you are currently taking a medicine that contains ezetimibe and/or rosuvastatin which are contained in ROSUZET COMPOSITE PACK: stop taking your current medicine(s) that contain ezetimibe and/or rosuvastatin as this may result in you taking more medicine than you need take the remaining medicine(s) to your pharmacist for safe disposal Check with your doctor if you are not sure about the medicines you are taking. How much to take There are two different medicines in ROSUZET COMPOSITE PACK. Your doctor will prescribe a strength that is appropriate for you. It is very important that you take ROSUZET COMPOSITE PACK exactly as follows: Take one Ezetrol (ezetimibe) tablet and one MSD Rosuvastatin (rosuvastatin) tablet at the same time once a day. If your doctor has increased the strength of ROSUZET COMPOSITE PACK tablets you take, do not take multiple doses of any remaining supplies of lower strength ROSUZET COMPOSITE PACK tablets instead of the new higher strength tablets as this will result in you taking more medicine (ezetimibe) than you need. How to take it Swallow the tablets whole with a full glass of water. Do not chew or crush the tablets. When to take it ROSUZET COMPOSITE PACK can be taken at any time of the day. However, ROSUZET COMPOSITE PACK should be taken at about the same time each day. Taking it at the same time each day will have the best effect. It will also help you remember when to take it. Take ROSUZET COMPOSITE PACK with or without food. Taking ROSUZET COMPOSITE PACK with other cholesterol-lowering agents Your doctor may ask you to take ROSUZET COMPOSITE PACK with other cholesterol-lowering agents such as bile acid sequestrants. If you are taking a bile acid sequestrant, such as cholestyramine, take ROSUZET COMPOSITE PACK either at least two hours before or four hours after taking the bile acid sequestrant. How long to take it Take ROSUZET COMPOSITE PACK every day and continue taking it for as long as your doctor tells you. ROSUZET COMPOSITE PACK helps to lower your cholesterol levels but does not cure your condition. If you stop taking ROSUZET COMPOSITE PACK your cholesterol levels may rise again. If you forget to take it If it is almost time for your next dose, skip the dose you missed and take your next dose when you are meant to. Otherwise, take it as soon as you remember, and then go back to taking your tablets as you would normally. Do not take a double dose to make up for the dose that you missed. This may increase the chance of you getting a side effect. If you are not sure what to do, talk to your doctor or pharmacist. If you have trouble remembering to take your medicine, ask your pharmacist for some hints. If you take too much (overdose) Immediately telephone your doctor or the Poisons Information Centre (telephone 13 11 26) for advice, or go to Accident and Emergency at the nearest hospital, if you think that you or anyone else may have taken too much ROSUZET COMPOSITE PACK. Do this even if there are no signs of discomfort or poisoning. You or anyone else may need urgent medical attention. While you are taking ROSUZET COMPOSITE PACK Things you must do If you become pregnant while you are taking ROSUZET COMPOSITE PACK, stop taking it and tell your doctor immediately. Keep all your doctor's appointments. Even if you are taking medicines to treat high cholesterol, it is important to have your cholesterol measured regularly. You should also know your cholesterol levels and goals. Your doctor will ask you to have your liver function tested from time to time while you are taking ROSUZET COMPOSITE PACK. This may help prevent unwanted side effects. Your doctor may adjust your dose depending on the result of the test. If you are about to be started on any new medicine, tell your doctor and pharmacist that you are taking ROSUZET COMPOSITE PACK. Tell any other doctors, dentists, and pharmacists who treat you that you are taking ROSUZET COMPOSITE PACK. Things you must not do Do not take ROSUZET COMPOSITE PACK to treat any other conditions unless your doctor tells you to. Do not give ROSUZET COMPOSITE PACK to anyone else, even if they have the same condition as you. Things to be careful of Avoid drinking large quantities of alcohol. Drinking large quantities of alcohol while taking ROSUZET COMPOSITE PACK may increase your chance of getting liver problems. Be careful driving or operating machinery until you know how ROSUZET COMPOSITE PACK affects you. There have been side effects reported with ROSUZET COMPOSITE PACK that may affect your ability to drive or operate machinery. Individual responses to ROSUZET COMPOSITE PACK may vary. Things that may help your condition Lifestyle Changes - This includes a cholesterol-lowering diet, increasing physical activity, and weight management. Ask your doctor for advice before increasing physical activity. Medicines - Cholesterol-lowering medicines are used together with lifestyle changes to help lower cholesterol. Side effects Tell your doctor or pharmacist as soon as possible if you do not feel well while you are taking ROSUZET COMPOSITE PACK. ROSUZET COMPOSITE PACK helps most people with high cholesterol levels, but it may have unwanted side effects in a few people. All medicines can have side effects. Sometimes they are serious, most of the time they are not. You may need medical attention if you get some of the side effects. Do not be alarmed by the following lists of side effects. You may not experience any of them.
更新日期: 2019-07-3
调控比例: 100%
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