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  药店国别: 德国药房
产地国家: 德国
所属类别: 维生素类及微量元素药物->铁补充
包装规格: 10毫升/瓶 5瓶
Kohler Chemie, Germany
Inzolen Infantibus S ampoule for infusion 10ml 5amps
Inzolen Infantibus S输液 10毫升/瓶 5瓶
mineral and trace element supplement

这是什么,什么是使用它? 识别和治疗组或活动类型 矿物质和微量元素的补充。应用电解质和微量元素替代婴幼儿和儿童区。   你需要在使用前要考虑什么? 禁忌 高钠血症,高钾血症,高镁血症,无尿严重肾功能衰竭,铜贮积症,包含在INZOLEN®-Infantibus微量元素的血浆水平升高。注意事项是患者的肝功能损害,尤其是胆汁淤积使用INZOLEN®-Infantibus时宜,因为锰是通过胆汁排泄几乎完全。随着潜在毒性领域增加锰INZOLEN®-Infantibus应停药。怀孕和哺乳期INZOLEN®-Infantibus的应用程序只能在子女提供。预计不会INZOLEN®-Infantibus对妊娠和胎儿的负面影响。使用注意事项和警告INZOLEN®-Infantibus不应外周静脉给药稀释。心脏节律紊乱和高钾血症的症状可能会发生在过量,可能是危及生命的,如果对K +6.5毫摩尔/升的增加的血浆浓度。 它是如何使用的? INZOLEN®-Infantibus总是可以静脉内,慢慢地施加。 INZOLEN®-Infantibus周静脉可以仅使用稀释(1安瓿INZOLEN®-Infantibus~250毫升0.9%盐溶液)或通过单独制备的输注液。个人电解质和微量元素的缺乏,应选择性地纠正。控制Serumionogramms和酸 - 碱平衡是必需的。随着数周回顾漫画镜治疗时间是必需的。应用程序错误,过量如果过量服用有可能导致电解质平衡及酸碱平衡的紊乱,以及增加渗透压(高渗透压)来了。 什么是可能的副作用? 互动与其他药物 琥珀胆碱和钾显著高钾血症的联合给药时,可以触发,这反过来又可以在心脏节律产生负面影响。 INZOLEN®-Infantibus是用含有无机磷酸盐制剂不相容的,因为这会导致微溶​​磷酸盐的混合物沉淀很短的时间内。 。钙盐的联合给药,镁L-磷酸氢盐的效果降低,从Curaretyp肌肉松弛增加在运动终板的剂量的确切剂量由医生决定的镁的作用。除非另有verrordnet:婴幼儿:2毫升/日年龄:10毫升/-5天。 15毫升/-14日龄。 20毫升/天的对策供应停止,纠正电解质紊乱和障碍的酸碱平衡的时代。在适当的使用和剂量的不利影响是不希望的副作用可能因INZOLEN®-Infantibus引起的,并没有被观察到。如果您发现本说明书中未列出的任何副作用,请告诉您的医生或药剂师。 应该如何存放? 此无防腐剂的溶液用于单个集合。当容器被打开后,该应用程序必须立即进行。任何未使用的残留物被丢弃。编制应立即使用。保质期为打包出售为3年。种类的存储避光和不超过25℃。 附加信息 请仔细阅读传单! INZOLEN®-Infantibus浓缩为输液稀释后只能用于静脉注射使用的婴儿和儿童 What is it and what is it used? Identification and therapeutic group or type of activity mineral and trace element supplement. areas of application to electrolytes and trace element substitution in infants and in children. What you need to consider before using it? Contraindications Hypernatremia, hyperkalemia, hypermagnesemia, severe renal failure with anuria, copper storage disease, elevated plasma levels of trace elements contained in INZOLEN®-Infantibus. Caution is advised when using INZOLEN®-Infantibus in patients with hepatic impairment, especially cholestasis, since manganese is excreted almost exclusively via the bile. With an increase of manganese in potentially toxic areas INZOLEN®-Infantibus should be discontinued. pregnancy and lactation An application of INZOLEN®-Infantibus is provided only in children. Negative effects of INZOLEN®-Infantibus on pregnancy and fetus are not expected. precautions for use and warnings INZOLEN®-Infantibus should not be administered undiluted in peripheral veins. Heart rhythm disturbances and other symptoms of hyperkalemia may occur in overdose and may be life-threatening if the plasma concentration of K + 6.5 mmol / l increases. How is it used? INZOLEN®-Infantibus is always to be applied intravenously and slowly. INZOLEN®-Infantibus peripheral vein may be used only diluted (1 ampoule INZOLEN®-Infantibus to 250 ml of 0.9% saline solution) or through individually prepared infusion solutions. The lack of individual electrolytes and trace elements should be selectively corrected. Controls the Serumionogramms and the acid-base balance are required. With a treatment duration of several weeks reviewing the manga mirror is required. Application Error and overdose In case of overdose it may lead to a disturbance of electrolyte balance and acid-base balance as well as to increased osmolarity (hyperosmolarity) come. What are possible side effects? Interactions with other drugs during concomitant administration of suxamethonium and potassium significant hyperkalaemia may be triggered, which in turn can negatively affect the heart rhythm. INZOLEN®-Infantibus is incompatible with preparations containing inorganic phosphate, as this can lead to precipitation of sparingly soluble phosphate salts in admixture within a short time. . Concomitant administration of calcium salts, the effect of magnesium L-hydrogen phosphate is reduced, muscle relaxants from Curaretyp increase the magnesium effect at the motor endplate Dosage The exact dosage is decided by the doctor. Unless otherwise verrordnet: infants: 2 mL / day age: 10 ml / day -5. Age of 15 ml / day -14. Age of 20 ml / day countermeasures supply stop, correction of electrolyte disturbances and disturbances in acid-base balance. adverse effects upon appropriate use and dosage are unwanted side effects that might be caused by INZOLEN®-Infantibus, has not been observed. If you notice any side effects not listed in this leaflet, please tell your doctor or pharmacist. How should it be stored? This preservative-free solution is intended for single collection. The application must be made ​​immediately after the container is opened. Any unused residues are discarded. The preparation should be used immediately. The Shelf life as packaged for sale is 3 years. kind of storage protected from light and not over 25 ° C. Additional Information Please read leaflet carefully! INZOLEN®-Infantibus concentrate for solution for infusion only diluted for intravenous use in infants and in children
调控比例: 100%
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