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  药店国别: 英国药房
产地国家: 英国
所属类别: 妇科药物->阴道润滑剂
包装规格: 6涂抹剂/盒
Burdica Biomedical Limited (BBL)
Burdica Biomedical Limited (BBL)
Vaginal lubrication


    透明质酸(Hyaluronic Acid),简称HA,也称玻璃酸、玻尿酸,是由乙酰氨基葡萄糖和葡萄糖醛酸双糖单元交替连接而成的酸性粘多糖,商品透明质酸一般为其钠盐,即透明质酸钠(Sodium Hyaluronate),习惯上仍称为透明质酸。HA具有优异的保湿作用。


★高浓度的玻尿酸可瞬间提升肌肤保湿度,增加肌肤的深层保水能力,再配合多种维他命B群,除了让肌肤 立即呈现细致光泽外,更能保护表皮促进新陈代谢,让肌肤更健康亮丽。

★Hyaluronic Acid(玻尿酸)预防龟裂、皱纹及老化。保湿收敛肌肤,修护凹洞。
    "玻尿酸" 又名"玻璃质酸" 学名"生化醣醛酸",是以生物技术培养之高分子保湿剂,可提升皮肤500倍的保水度,对干燥皮肤、长时间处于冷气房、日晒皮肤之保养保护及保湿有极大的功效唷!

★((最新生物科技玻尿酸---透明质酸))(Hyaluronic Acid--HA)
    透明质酸,又称玻尿酸或醣醛酸(Hyaluronic Acid,简称(HA),它是人体组织中自然存在而不可缺的一种【透明质酸纳盐】,由葡糖醛酸-N-乙酰氨基葡糖为双糖单位组成的直链高分子多醣,平均分子量介于10万到1000万Dalton之间,对组织结构上整体的保养、和细胞间的输送都具有很重要的功能。


    1. 心脏血管外科(Cardiovascular)
    2. 关节炎(Arthritis)
    3. 外科手术防黏剂(Surgical auti-adhesion)
    4. 药物递送(Drug delivery)
    5. 癌症治疗(Cancer therapy)
    6. 眼科(Ophthalmic)
    7. 整容外科(Cosmetic surgery)
    8. 诊断学(Diagnostics)
    9. 兽医(Verterinary)

    玻尿酸---透明质酸乃是人体真皮层的其中一种成份,具备保持水份的能力,份量更高达其本身重量的100倍,使用含有透明质酸(Hyaluronic Acid, HA)的保养品,可以改善干燥及已出现皱纹的肌肤,因此,透明质酸是改善干燥及老化肌肤的最理想产品。

    透明质酸,一种特纯、高分子量、高黏度、可以针筒方式注射的透明质胶,能够减轻骨性关节炎(Osteoarthritis)患者的疼痛,增加关节的可动性和操作的能力。在膝盖中注射透明质胶,可以恢复关节液(Synovial fluid)的弹性和黏度。


    药物递送(Drug delivery):透明质酸加上基本的生长素的几种配方可以增进骨折的复元,最近的试验结果建议透明质酸的低聚糖可能可以抑制某种癌细胞的扩张,此低聚糖黏在细胞表面而阻断在细胞表面本身的透明质酸受体。此细胞表面本身的透明质酸受体是癌细胞生长的重要管道。

    眼药水(Eye Drops):含有透明质酸的眼药水可用来保护、润滑和润湿眼睛,以医治病人因眼睛太干或因恶劣环境引起的不适和其它疼痛的普遍眼疾。


Zestica Fertility is a water based personal lubricant formulated specifically for sperm motility. This patent pending formula has undergone several trials comparing other fertility lubricants and In-Vitro-Fertilisation medium used in IVF Clinics. During the trials Zestica Fertility outperformed both competing products and IVF medium for sperm motility giving “trying to conceive” (TTC) couples a better chance. The lubricant is made using Hyaluronic Acid (HA), a natural molecule (non-animal sourced) already produced in the body. Zestica Fertility is odourless and gentle to the touch: couples who have used Zestica Fertility report an enjoyable “natural” experience.

Zestica provides moisture without harming sperm and has been developed for use when trying to conceive, a time when other lubricants should be avoided.

Zestica is a gentle formulation that makes it a great everyday lubricant for use at other times.

Zestica features:
> pH and osmality balanced to match cervical mucus
> Clinically shown to improve poor sperm movement
> Enhances the body's natural processes to combat uncomfortable dryness
> Single dose applicator for complete control
> Mimics the body's natural moisture to feel as intimacy should
> Great every day lubricant for use at other times
> Safe and effective at maintaining sperm movement

Zestica Fertility: the science
Zestica contains the natural ingredient Hyaluronic Acid (HA) with a combination of different molecular weight to sustain its stability in the vaginal acidic environment. HA is a super-water absorbant with natural moisturisation functionality which makes it a fantastic lubricant with a well proven safety profile, due to its natural properties.

"Using the Zestica lubricant during sexual intercourse helps couples trying to conceive by giving them the assurance that sperm mobility will not be reduced", says Dr Zhao. He also highlighted the fact that "Zestica is made from a natural occurring molecule which provides moisture and is not harmful to sperm, this helps create the best possible environment during sexual intercourse for couples trying to get pregnant."

For women who suffer from dryness, Dr Zhao adds that "Zestica has been formulated containing a special molecule called Hyaluronic Acid. This draws water into the vaginal tissues."

To help combat dryness, you should use Zestica daily for about a week and then reduce usage to two to three times a week, as needed. This should maintain a comfortable vaginal area

(HA in cervical mucus and its interaction with sperm)

The composition and characteristics of cervical mucus change considerably throughout the menstrual cycle (and during pregnancy). Cervical mucus is only receptive to sperm up to 6 days prior to, and approximately 1 day following, ovulation. During the rest of the menstrual cycle cervical mucus is "hostile" to sperm i.e. sperm are unable to penetrate.

The ejaculate consists of spermatozoa and seminal plasma with sperm comprising only 5% of the ejaculate. The seminal plasma contains a myriad of factors which act to provide the sperm with energy and protection whilst in the vagina. In humans, sperm are thought to enter the cervix via cervical mucus relatively quickly after ejaculation (within 1hour). Sperm that remain in the vagina for a long time will die and in order to survive, and progress to the egg, they need to swim and enter the cervical mucus which acts as a comparative haven. Upon entering cervical mucus, they are stripped of their outer coat (which acts to keep them in a suppressed non fertile state) and thus undergo the first stage of activation (termed capacitation). It is unknown how long sperm remain in the cervix in an active state, yet still remain capable of fertilisation, but studies in the laboratory would indicate this can be several days.

The concentration of hyaluronic acid (HA) in the cervix changes throughout pregnancy, and in particular increases during the latter stages of pregnancy where it is thought to play a significant role in cervical ripening (remodelling of the cervix in preparation for birth).

The role of HA in cervical mucus and its subsequent effect on sperm is not well understood. However, HA has been used as a cervical mucus substitute for laboratory sperm function studies for the last 25 years. As such, there is a wealth of information regarding the interaction of HA with sperm. HA has been used as a cervical mucus substitute because its structure and properties are similar. The penetration of sperm into HA is highly correlated with semen characteristics and sperm function testing - to the same degree as with cervical mucus. Additionally, the functional capacity of sperm that have penetrated HA or cervical mucus (motility, capacitation status, fertilising ability) are very similar. Therefore penetration into HA is regarded as a simple and objective means of measuring the functional competence of sperm and is widely used as an effective alternative to human cervical mucus.

HA in the oviduct
Sperm are stored, sometimes for several days, in the oviduct prior to fertilisation. The oviduct acts to maintain sperm in a quiescent but "always primed" state of readiness for the arrival of the egg. How the oviduct does this is unknown but glycosaminoglycans, like HA, play a key role in these processes. Importantly, these glycosaminoglycans, in conjunction with other factors in the oviduct (for example, binding to the oviductal epithelium), act as a final gatekeeper to prepare the sperm by activating key signalling complexes in the sperm so that they are ready to interact with the egg. However, because sperm can remain in the oviduct for several days the oviduct needs to achieve an important balance in not over-stimulating the sperm, otherwise they would not be able to fertilise eggs.

HA in the Cumulus Oophorus
HA is a major and relatively well studied component of the cumulus oophorus (i.e. cumulus) providing viscoelastic properties for the cumulus structures. The cumulus is a series of layers - comprised usually of several hundred cells - which surround the human egg, making the egg look like a fluffy ball (Figure1). The cumulus is the first barrier surrounding the egg that the sperm encounter. The sperm must penetrate this before they interact and bind with the zona pellucida. The zona pellucida activates a sac in sperm to explode (the acrosome - red dots in Figure 1) after which the sperm is able to penetrate the zona pellucida and fuse with the egg. HA assists the binding of the cumulus cells together and importantly acts (in coordination with other molecules) to activate the sperm whilst in the cumulus. This activation is thought to be very important. Whilst we do not know the full details it is likely to involve two key processes:
1. Stimulating the sperm cells to change their movement from a slow progressive pattern to a vigorous thrashing movement - hyperactivated motility. They must undertake this transformation so that they can generate the necessary power and thrust to penetrate the cumulus and zona pellucida. Without this change of movement the sperm cannot fertilise.
2. Priming the sperm cell by - for example - increasing the calcium concentration in the cell, so that its acrosome can be activated when required i.e. when it reaches the zona pellucida.
The sperm is not passive in this process and its interaction with the cumulus and, in particular HA, is a very dynamic one. Sperm contain an essential enzyme - hylauronidase - that digests HA. During initial penetration of the cumulus, hylauronidase is released from the sperm which assists the cell in penetration of the cumulus, allowing it to push its way between the cells and reach the zona pellucida.

General information about Hyaluronan
Hyaluronan is the major glycosaminogly present in follicular, oviductal and uterine fluids. It is a unique macromolecule which is found in tissues and body fluids in every mammalian species. As a physiological substance, hyaluronan is rich in the female reproductive tract and also abundant around oocytes, especially during the periovulation period. Following studies in mammalian species, hyaluronan, along with recombinant human albumin, not only support human embryo development during the pre-implantation stages in culture, but also facilitate the implantation of human embryos. It has also been demonstrated that hyaluronan and recombinant human albumin can significantly improve embryo cryosurvivability.

Hyaluronan is present in the reproductive tract and the highest concentration is found in the uterus. Hyaluronan appears to assist in sperm selection during fertilisation, promote embryonic cell proliferation and facilitate embryo implantation.

Zestica Fertility™
Christopher Barratt, Professor of Reproductive Medicine at the University of Dundee, investigated the effect of Zestica Fertility on sperm motility. It was found that Zestica Fertility effectively maintained the motility of sperm. Furthermore, there was evidence that Zestica Fertility enhanced the motility of poor quality sperm (data on file).

Prof. Barratt also examined whether Zestica Fertility harmed sperm DNA, and determined that the product was comparable to the control medium G-IVFTM PLUS, which is used routinely by IVF clinics for the preparation and handling of gametes, and for in vitro fertilization. In other words, Zestica Fertility did not cause DNA damage (data on file).

Hyaluronic acid (HA) is the water-carrying ingredient in Zestica Fertility. HA occurs naturally throughout the body, and for example, is found in abundance in the female reproductive tract where it plays important roles in the fertilization process and later stages of pregnancy.

HA has been widely studied since it was first identified in the 1930s and its safety profile is well-established. HA is now used extensively in cosmetics for its moisturizing capacity, as well as in medical devices for eye surgery (a protective moisturizer and lubricant) and for treatment of osteoarthritic joints (replenishes disease-diminished levels of HA to restore lubrication and provide anti-inflammatory effects).



更新日期: 2011-3-21
调控比例: 100%
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