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  药店国别: 德国药房
产地国家: 德国
所属类别: 激素内分泌药物->壮阳药
包装规格: 10mg 4 tabs
LEVITRA film coated tab 10mg 4 tabs
艾力达 薄膜包衣片剂 10毫克4片
malfunctioning erection mechanism

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Levitra中文商标:艾力达。是一粒橙色的小药丸,绰号“火焰”。 是德国拜耳医药保健有限公司生产的新一代“伟哥”。它是非常强效的PDE-5抑制剂,且“起效迅速、勃起硬度高、安全无依赖”,能够让伴侣双方“共同抓住激情时刻”!





阴茎勃起是涉及阴茎海绵体及其相关小动脉血管平滑肌的松弛的血流动力学过程。在性刺激过程中,阴茎海绵体内的神经元末梢释放一氧化氮(NO),NO激活平滑肌细胞的鸟苷酸环化酶,使细胞内环鸟苷酸(cGMP)水平增加,最终导致平滑肌松弛,增加阴茎内的血流量。 伐地那非通过抑制人体阴茎海绵体内降解cGMP的磷酸二酯酶5型(PDE5),增加性刺激作用下海绵体局部内源性的一氧化氮的释放,从而增强性刺激的自然反应。










对药物的任何成分(活性或非活性成分)有过敏症状的患者禁用。 与PDE抑制剂在NO/cGMP通路的作用机制相同,PDE5抑制剂可能增强硝酸盐类药物的降压效果。因此,服用硝酸盐类或一氧化氮供体治疗的患者避免同时使用伐地那非。 避免HIV蛋白激酶抑制剂印地那韦或利托那韦和伐地那非同时使用,因为它们是强效CYP3A4抑制剂。


1.艾力达-强效、高选择性的PDE5抑制剂 与万艾可和希爱力相比,艾力达的药效最强,治疗选择性最高。

2.艾力达起效迅速 艾力达10分钟即可起效,大多数男士服用25分钟内起效,是同类产品中起效最快的,能令患者对自己的性功能充满信心。











8.艾力达 显著改善伴侣双方性交满意度


9.艾力达 具有良好的耐受性



【药品名称】通用名:盐酸伐地那非片。商品名:艾力达。英文名:Vaidenafil Hydrochloride Tablel。




【性 状】本品为浅橙色至暗橙色的薄膜衣片,除去薄膜衣后显白色。



由于性活动伴有一定程度的心脏危险性,故医生对患者博起障碍采取任何治疗之前,应首先考虑其心脏状况。艾力达(伐地那非)的扩血管特性可能导致血压暂时性的轻度降低。伴左心室流出障碍,如主动脉狭窄和特发性肥厚性主动脉瓣下狭窄的患者可对扩血管药物敏感,包括PDE5抑制剂。由于具有潜在的心脏危险性,不推荐心脏病患者进行房事,因此通常不能使用治疗博起障碍的药物。一项59例健康男性受试者服用艾力达(伐地那非)对QT间期影响的研究表明,治疗剂量(10 mg)和超剂量(80 mg)的艾力达(伐地那非)导致QTc间期的延长。临床应用艾力达(伐地那非)时须考虑到这点。先天性QT间期延长(长QT 综合症)的患者和服用IA类(如奎尼丁,普鲁卡因胺)或III类(如胺碘酮, 索他洛尔)抗心律失常药物应避免服用艾力达(伐地那非)。对于生殖器具有解剖畸形的(如:成角,海绵体纤维化,Peyronie’s 病),或者生殖器博起无法消退(如:镰状细胞病,多发性骨髓瘤和白血病)的患者,治疗其博起障碍时需谨慎用药。联合使用其它治疗博起障碍方法时,艾力达(伐地那非)的安全性和疗效尚未研究,因此不推荐联合使用。对于下列情况的患者,艾力达(伐地那非)的安全性尚未研究,除非有进一步的资料才推荐使用艾力达(伐地那非):严重肝病,需透析的晚期肾病,低血压(静息收缩压 如果≤90 mmHg),近期患有脑卒中或心肌梗死(6个月内),不稳定型心绞痛,家族退行性眼部疾病如色素性视网膜炎。某些患者同时服用艾力达(伐地那非)和α-受体阻滞剂可能导致症状性低血压。除非有进一步的资料,服用α-受体阻滞剂 6小时内不能服用艾力达(伐地那非)。服药6小时后,应用艾力达(伐地那非)的最大剂量不得超过5mg。但患者服用α-受体阻滞剂坦洛新时, 对服药间歇不作要求。只有当患者接受α-受体阻滞剂治疗病情稳定时,才能合并用药。艾力达(伐地那非)未应用于患有出血异常或消化性溃疡活动期的患者,因此只有在进行谨慎的利益-风险评估后才能使用。艾力达(伐地那非)单独使用或与阿司匹林联合时,对出血时间没有影响。人血小板体外试验表明,单独使用艾力达(伐地那非)不会抑制多种血小板因子诱导的血小板凝集。超剂量治疗时,观察到艾力达(伐地那非)轻微地增强硝普钠、一氧化氮供体的抗凝作用,呈浓度依赖性。艾力达(伐地那非)合用肝素对大鼠的出血时间无影响,但其相互作用未在人体中进行研究。驾驶和操作机械设备的能力: 驾驶和操作机械之前患者应考虑到自身对艾力达(伐地那非)的反应

【禁 忌】





【儿童用药】儿童(出生至16岁): 艾力达(伐地那非)不适用于儿童。





第一,经过外包装, 正品艾力达普通是20mg,有4粒装和30粒瓶装,假药普通包装混乱,甚至呈现中文艾力达字样,并不会呈现任何反响,但在12个小时之内,稍有异性安慰就会发作勃起

第二,经过效果, 国人对壮阳药品有一个误区,以为吃了艾力达或许伟哥就立刻勃起数小时,这是完全错误的了解,艾力达可以协助男性成功勃起,但必需树立在异性安慰上。

第三,经过颗粒颜色, 正品艾力达呈橙色,圆形,制造工艺较为细致,假药普遍是小作坊生产,经过手感可以分辨出来。服用后2小时血浆浓度达峰值,半衰期6~12小时,让您轻松自在的控制性生活。


















Introduction to Levitra

Levitra Chinese trademark: Elida. It is an orange pill, nicknamed "Flame." It is a new generation of Viagra produced by Bayer HealthCare. It is a very potent PDE-5 inhibitor, and it has “fast onset, high erection hardness, and no dependence on safety”, allowing both partners to “join the passion moment together”!

Levitra traits

This product is a light orange to dark orange film-coated piece, which is white after removing the film coating.

Levitra pharmacological mechanism

Pharmacological action

Penile erection is a hemodynamic process involving the relaxation of the corpus cavernosum and its associated small arterial vascular smooth muscle. During sexual stimulation, nitric oxide (NO) is released from the neuronal terminals in the penis cavernous body. NO activates the guanylate cyclase of smooth muscle cells, which increases intracellular cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) levels, ultimately leading to smooth muscle relaxation. Increase blood flow in the penis. Vardenafil enhances the natural endogenous nitric oxide release by inhibiting the release of cGMP-derived phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) in the human penis sponge.

Toxic Research

Acute toxicity: The LD50 of rats was 190 mg/kg. The effects of drugs on visual effects were not observed by light microscopy, electron microscopy and visual examination.

Long-term toxicity: The maximum non-toxic dose (NOEL) of rats and dogs is 3 mg/kg. In addition, animals showed cardiovascular toxicity associated with PDE5, and rats also exhibited pancreatic, exocrine and thyroid toxicity associated with PDE.

Genotoxicity: Isolated Salmonella typhimurium reverse mutation assay, mammalian cell HPRT mutation assay, chromosomal aberration assay, and in vivo mouse micronucleus assay, did not find vardenafil to be genotoxic and mutagenic.

Reproductive toxicity: Vardenafil was administered orally to rats and rabbits. Vardenafil was not found to have an effect on animal fertility and embryo development.

Carcinogenicity: Rats and mice were orally administered vardenafil for 24 consecutive months. The doses were calculated according to the body surface area, which were 225 times and 450 times of the clinically recommended maximum dose of 20 mg, respectively. The area (AUC) conversion was 360 times and 25 times that of the clinically recommended maximum dose of 20 mg, respectively. At this time, vardenafil was not found to be carcinogenic.

Levitra indications

Treatment of male penile erectile dysfunction.

Levitra contraindications

It is contraindicated in patients with allergic symptoms of any component of the drug (active or inactive). In contrast to the mechanism of action of PDE inhibitors in the NO/cGMP pathway, PDE5 inhibitors may enhance the antihypertensive effect of nitrates. Therefore, patients treated with nitrate or nitric oxide donors avoid using vardenafil at the same time. Avoid the simultaneous use of the HIV protein kinase inhibitor, indinavir or ritonavir and vardenafil, as they are potent CYP3A4 inhibitors.

Levitra efficacy

1. Elite - a potent, highly selective PDE5 inhibitor Compared with Viagra and Cialis, Elida is the most potent and has the highest therapeutic selectivity.

2. Ailida works quickly Elite is effective in 10 minutes, and most men take effect within 25 minutes. It is the fastest in its class and gives patients confidence in their sexual function.

3. Ailida drug time window is reasonable

The vast majority of Elite users can get satisfactory results when they use the drug for the first time, and the effect can last up to 12 hours. From the evening of the day to the early morning of the next day, you can have a perfect sex life.

4. Elite is reliable and effective for a long time

Studies have confirmed that Elite is not only effective, but the rate of successful sexual intercourse in patients taking Levitra for a long time is higher than 90%.

5. Elida erection hardness is good

Elite makes the patient's erection easier and harder, which is significantly better than other similar products. Therefore, nearly half of the patients most like Elida.

6. Elite is the best choice for patients with diabetes ED

Elliday's treatment of diabetes with ED is very significant, with more than 70% of these patients have significantly improved erection after taking the drug.

7. Ailida is effective for patients who are not effective with Viagra

Levitra is equally effective in patients who are ineffective with Viagra (Viagra), with more than 60% of these patients showing significant results after taking Levitra.

8. Elida significantly improves the satisfaction of both partners' sexual intercourse

A recently completed study showed that after 12 weeks of treatment with Elida, both partners of ED patients were satisfied with the treatment of Elida, and both of them improved their satisfaction with erectile function, sexual intercourse and orgasm. , enhancing their confidence in their sexual function.

9. Elida has good tolerance

Levitra is well tolerated, and most of the adverse reactions are mild and usually disappear in a short time.

Levitra taking instructions

[Drug name] Common name: Vardenafil hydrochloride tablets. Product name: Elite. English name: Vaidenafil Hydrochloride Tablel.

[Indications] Treatment of male penile erectile dysfunction.

[Usage and Dosage] Usage: Oral; Dosage: The recommended starting dose is 10 mg, taken 30-60 minutes before sexual intercourse. The recommended maximum dose is once a day. Sexual stimulation is required as an instinctive response for treatment. Depending on the efficacy and tolerability, the dose can be increased to 20 mg or reduced to 5 mg. The maximum recommended dose is one tablet per day. Patients with mild liver damage do not need to adjust the dose; patients with moderate liver damage recommend an initial dose of 5 mg; patients with mild, moderate or severe renal impairment do not need to adjust the dose.

[Active ingredient] Vardenafil hydrochloride. (Ai Lida Manual)

[Properties] This product is a light orange to dark orange film-coated piece, which is white after removing the film.

[Adverse Reactions] More than 7,800 patients in the global clinical trials took Levitra (Vardenafil) and were well tolerated. Adverse events that occur are usually transient, mild to moderate.


Because sexual activity is accompanied by a certain degree of cardiac risk, the doctor should first consider the heart condition before taking any treatment for the patient. The vasodilator properties of Elida (Vardenafil) may cause a temporary mild decrease in blood pressure. Patients with left ventricular dysfunction, such as aortic stenosis and idiopathic hypertrophic aortic stenosis, may be sensitive to vasodilator drugs, including PDE5 inhibitors. Because of the potential for cardiac risk, patients with heart disease are not recommended for sexual intercourse, so medications that treat dysfunction are often not available. A study of the effects of Elida (Vardenafil) on QT interval in a 59 healthy male subject showed therapeutic dose (10 mg) and overdose (80 mg) of Elida (Vardenafil) ) leading to an extension of the QTc interval. This must be taken into account when clinical application of Elida (Vardenafil). Patients with congenital QT prolongation (long QT syndrome) and antiarrhythmic drugs taking IA (such as quinidine, procainamide) or class III (such as amiodarone, sotalol) should be avoided Take Elida (Vardenafil). Patients with anatomical malformations of the genitals (eg, angulation, cavernous fibrosis, Peyronie's disease), or genital tracts that cannot resolve (eg, sickle cell disease, multiple myeloma, and leukemia) treat their dysfunction Use caution when using it. The safety and efficacy of Elida (Vardenafil) has not been studied in combination with other treatments for dysfunction, so it is not recommended for combined use. The safety of Elida (Vardenafil) has not been studied in patients with the following conditions, unless further information is recommended for use of Elida (Vardenafil): severe liver disease, end stage renal disease requiring dialysis, hypotension (resting systolic blood pressure if ≤ 90 mmHg), recent stroke or myocardial infarction (within 6 months), unstable angina, family degenerative eye diseases such as retinitis pigmentosa. Some patients taking both Elida (Vardenafil) and alpha-blockers may cause symptomatic hypotension. Unless further information is available, it is not possible to take Elida (Vardenafil) within 6 hours of taking alpha blockers. After 6 hours of administration, the maximum dose of Elida (Vardenafil) should not exceed 5 mg. However, when the patient takes the α-blocker tamsulosin, there is no requirement for intermittent administration. Only when the patient is treated with an alpha blocker to stabilize the condition can the drug be combined. Levitra (Vardenafil) is not used in patients with active bleeding or peptic ulcer activity and should only be used after a careful benefit-risk assessment. Levitra (Vardenafil) alone or in combination with aspirin had no effect on bleeding time. In vitro tests of human platelets showed that the use of Elida (Vardenafil) alone did not inhibit platelet factor-induced platelet aggregation. In the case of overdose treatment, it was observed that Elida (Vardenafil) slightly enhanced the anticoagulant effect of sodium nitroprusside and nitric oxide donors in a concentration-dependent manner. Elida (Vardenafil) combined with heparin had no effect on bleeding time in rats, but its interaction was not studied in humans. Ability to drive and operate machinery: Patients should consider their own response to Elida (Vardenafil) before driving and operating machinery


1. Disabled for patients with allergic symptoms of any component of the drug (active or inactive).

2. As with PDE inhibition in the NO/cGMP pathway, PDE5 inhibitors may enhance the antihypertensive effect of nitrates. Therefore, patients treated with nitrate or nitric oxide donors avoid using Elida (Vardenafil) at the same time.

3. Avoid the simultaneous use of the HIV protein kinase inhibitor, indinavir or ritonavir and levitra (vadenafil), as they are potent CYP3A4 inhibitors.

[Medication for elderly patients] In elderly patients (≥65 years old), the clearance rate of Alida (Vardenafil) was reduced, and the starting dose was considered to be 5 mg.

[Child medication] Children (born to 16 years old): Levitra (Vardenafil) is not suitable for children.

[Drug overdose] In a single-dose subject study, the highest test dose reached 80 mg per day. The highest test dose (80 mg daily) was well tolerated without any serious adverse drug reactions. The same result was confirmed in another clinical trial using 40 mg of Elida (valdecafil) once daily for 4 weeks of continuous administration. When Elida (Vardenafil) was administered at a dose of 40 mg twice daily, several more severe back pains were observed, but no muscle or neurotoxic effects were confirmed. When taking an overdose, general symptomatic treatment should be given as needed. Because of the high binding rate of Elida (Vardenafil) to plasma proteins, and not mainly by urine, renal dialysis does not increase the clearance rate in the body

[Storage conditions] Store in a sealed container at a temperature below 25 °C. Keep the medicine out of the reach of children.

How to identify true and false Elida

At present, many people report that the effect of Elida is better than that of Viagra, and the reaction is much smaller. Therefore, there are many people who sell Leida in this period. Because the profits of counterfeit drugs are very high, there are a lot of fake Elites on the market today, to pretend to be exported to Elite. Here is a description of the difference between genuine Elida and its counterfeit:

First, after packaging, Authentic Ailida is usually 20mg, there are 4 pieces and 30 bottles, the fake packaging is confusing, even the Chinese Ailida words, and will not show any response, but within 12 hours, a little heterosexual comfort Will have an erection

Second, after the effect, The Chinese have a misunderstanding of the drugs in the aphrodisiac. They think that it is a complete misunderstanding to eat Elida or Viagra. It is a complete misunderstanding. Elida can help men succeed in erection, but it must be established in the comfort of the opposite sex.

Third, after the particle color, Authentic Elida is orange, round, and the manufacturing process is more meticulous. Counterfeit medicines are generally produced in small workshops, which can be distinguished by hand. The plasma concentration peaks 2 hours after taking, and the half-life is 6~12 hours, which makes it easy for you to control your sex life.

The clinical report showed that the effective rate reached 83% after taking Elida, and the reported dose was 10-20 mg. Elida is the most powerful friend of Viagra. Levitra, also known as vardenafil hydrochloride, is finished in orange granules. The effect of the effect and the effect of the Aleida effect is 16 minutes. Elida's absolute advantage in sildenafil is the same as the vice effect. It relies on PDE-5 to inhibit the decomposition of cGMP to improve the vasodilating effect of NO, so that men can regain yj erection and continue to work long. There are clear effects around the day, and the advantage of Alida to vardena is that it will continue to work long. Because of its high safety and the ability to continue the erection for 12 hours, it is deeply loved by consumers, but at the same time, because of the high profit of posing, it is not helpful for erection, and the fake medicine Elida often participates. A small amount of androgen, after taking it for a long time, is painful, and has sequelae, which is very harmful to the human body.

Safety and side effects

[Contraindications] It is contraindicated in patients with allergic symptoms of any component of the drug (active or inactive). PDES inhibitors may enhance the antihypertensive effect of nitrates. Therefore, patients treated with nitrite or nitric oxide donors avoid using vardenafil at the same time.

[Note] Because sexual activity is associated with a certain degree of cardiac risk, the doctor should first consider the condition of the heart before taking any treatment for the patient with erectile dysfunction. Because of the potential heart risk, heart disease patients are not recommended for sexual intercourse. Therefore, drugs for treating erectile dysfunction cannot usually be used. When using other methods for treating erectile dysfunction, the safety and efficacy of vardenafil has not been studied, so it is not recommended to use it together! The safety of vardenafil has not been studied in patients with the following conditions, unless further information is recommended for vardenafil: severe liver disease, end stage renal disease requiring dialysis, hypotension (resting systolic blood pressure ≤90 mmHG), recent Suffering from stroke or myocardial infarction (within 6 months), unstable angina, family degenerative eye diseases such as retinitis pigmentosa. Vardena is not suitable for children and adolescents (born to 16 years of age).

Important safety and metrology information


Safety Instructions] Elida (Vardenafil Hydrochloride) for the treatment of erectile dysfunction (ED). Men taking nitrate drugs are usually used to control chest pain (also known as angina) and should not be Aili. This combination can cause blood pressure to drop to dangerous levels.

As all the ED drugs, there is a continuous time of 4 hours than the rare risk of installing. In order to avoid long-term injury, seek medical attention as soon as possible. Eric did not prevent sexually transmitted diseases. In rare cases, men taking PDE5 inhibitors (oral medications for erectile dysfunction, including Aili) report that in a sudden drop or binocular, or loss of vision or sudden decrease or hearing loss, sometimes ringing in the ears and dizziness . It is not possible to determine whether these events are directly related to these drugs or other factors. If you experience these symptoms, stop taking PDE5 inhibitors, including Aili, and ask the doctor right away. Discuss your medical conditions, including heart disease, and medications, including prostate problems, blood pressure to regulate alpha blocker stress, and your doctor to ensure that Aili is more suitable for you and your healthy enough sexual activity. Elida does not recommend men to control high blood pressure. The initial dose of Levitra is 10 mg taken no more than once a day. Your doctor will decide that the dose is right for you. In patients taking alpha blockers, the doctor may start with a low dose of Aili. Patients at the same time, such as ritonavir, indinavir, certain drugs of atazanavir, ketoconazole, itraconazole, erythromycin, clarithromycin, low dose of Elida, Aili The time between doses may need to be extended.

[Adverse reactions] The incidence rate is ≤10%; headache, facial flushing 1%; indigestion, nausea, dizziness, rhinitis.

Levitra Notes

Common side effects are headache, facial flushing, and indigestion, but generally they are not very large and quickly disappear.

Uncommon side effects include temporary visual color changes (such as the inability to distinguish between blue and green objects or seeing blue-colored halos), increased eye sensitivity to light, and blurred vision.

Alicida must not be mixed with any form of nitrates. If Viagra is mixed with nitric acid, it may lower your blood pressure and cause your life.

Taking Viagra should not drink at the same time. It is not that you can't drink at the same time. The problem is that drinking can seriously reduce the erectile effect of Viagra.

First time, half a grain!

Alicida is for adults and non-adults under the age of 18 are not allowed to purchase.

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更新日期: 2018-03-23
调控比例: 100%
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