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  药店国别: 澳大利亚药房
产地国家: 澳大利亚
所属类别: 维生素类及微量元素药物->氨基酸
包装规格: 3單位x 2000毫克
Fresenius Kabi
Trimix Mof Emu Z 3 units x 2000ml
Trimix Mof Emu Z 3單位x 2000毫克
Artificial (GI) Nutrition
Impaired renal function
它是什么和如何使用它? 混合气isokal包含的氨基酸溶液,葡萄糖溶液和脂肪乳状液在一个三腔袋。该氨基酸溶液是左旋肉碱补充说。 混合气isokal作为氨基酸,能量和肉碱源与成人患者的人工(胃肠)营养(甚至肾功能受损) - 如果没有显示营养素的饮食或通过管饲法是不可能的,不足或供给。 2你需要使用它之前要考虑什么? 混合气isokal不应该被使用, 如果你是过敏的活性物质,鱼,蛋,大豆或花生蛋白或任何第6条提及该药的其他成分 如果你有过多的脂肪在血液中(高血脂) 如果你有严重的肝脏疾病 如果你有问题,血液凝血(凝血功能障碍) , 如果你的身体有麻烦,利用氨基酸 如果你是在休克的急性状态 如果你有太多的糖在血液(高血糖)和这个条件没有得到控制 如果您有液体在肺部或脑部肿胀(脑水肿或急性肺) 如果你有太多的体液( hyperhydration ) 如果你有一个未经治疗的心脏状况 如果你有一个错误在你的血液凝固系统(嗜血) 如果你是在急性状态,作为一个严重的创伤与未控制的糖尿病,急性心脏发作,中风,血液凝块,严重酸中毒(疾病,导致过多的酸性物质在血液中) ,严重感染(败血症)的急性期后,如果你没有足够的体液(低渗性脱水)和不同病因昏迷(高渗性,鉴别诊断不明原因的昏迷) 如果血液中乳酸的太高 如果在血液中的胆红素含量过高 在怀孕的头三个月 在早产儿和新生儿,婴幼儿,儿童和青少年 警告和注意事项 你的医生会仔细监控与混合气isokal治疗 如果从氨基酸代谢障碍受苦, 如果您有肝脏问题, 如果您从酸性血液中的(代谢性酸中毒)受苦, 如果您度较低心脏衰竭患, 如果你患有糖尿病(不相同的严格监测血糖浓度)受苦, 如果从葡萄糖利用障碍受苦, 如果在你的血液中钾水平太低, 如果在血液中的钠离子浓度过低,则 如果你有问题,血液凝固, 如果你的肾上腺不能正常工作, 如果你贫血(贫血)受苦, 如果你从一个缺氧的组织受到影响, 如果你有在血液中溶解的颗粒比例高(提高血清渗透压) 如果你从一个忐忑脂肪代谢受到影响。 与患者慎用心脏衰竭较大量的流体的输注。 以下症状可能表示不安脂肪代谢:例如,在肾功能衰竭,糖尿病,胰腺的炎症,肝功能受损,甲状腺功能低下,肺部疾病或血液中毒。 在与混合气isokal你的医生的治疗将评估各种检查是(在血液中的酸碱平衡,水平衡,血脂,血清尿素,血氨,血常规,凝血因子,肝溶解的颗粒的血药浓度电解质含量和肾功能,肉碱水平在血液中,血糖水平) 。 在长期肠外营养,建议转氨酶,碱性磷酸酶,和血清中的乳酸和胆红素的控制。 当血糖水平过高,医生会要么减少供应量,或造成治疗胰岛素。 开始之前的流体和在体内代谢紊乱电解质平衡的输注障碍得到解决。 与同类药物的管理方面,有增加肝酶和胆汁淤积。如遇疑似肝功能不全监测血清氨的应予以考虑。 的氨基酸静脉输注与微量元素的排出量增加有关,尤其是铜和锌,在尿液中。这应该给药的微量元素时,特别是在长期静脉营养加以考虑。 身体的能力下降,排泄包含在isokal混合气中的脂肪可导致脂肪超载综合征。 混合气isokal不包含电解质。较大量的无电解质溶液的不应该被施用。你的医生会提供必要的电解质供应充足。 对于氨基酸的合成代谢利用充足的钾摄入是必要的。如果你的钾水平增高或血液中的下降,您的医生将寻找摄入足够的钾和/或钠。 与葡萄糖供应增加,可能需要增加每日钾摄入。虽然钾水平普遍下降不低于正常值,但是,检查是强烈建议心律失常。 在磷水平的下降是观察。 当管理解决方案glucosehältigen肌肉无力,可导致呼吸麻痹,上,需要被认为是一个蒙面磷酸脱氢酶缺乏症,可导致昏迷的发生。 如果你正在服用的药物对降低血脂升高,这些药物的剂量可能需要由医生进行调整。 为了防止叶酸缺乏,你会每天得到的叶酸。 在严重肾功能损害或透析终末期肾病患者,高剂量的左旋肉碱口服制剂的管理,不建议在一个较长时期,三甲胺和三甲胺-N-氧化物(代谢物的左旋肉碱口服后形成)是由由于消除不足,肾脏累积。 这种现象静脉内给药的程度后不会发生。 三甲胺的堆积会增加含氮降解产物的量必须通过透析除去。此外,增加的三甲胺含量一直在透析患者结合神经生理的影响。 不足消除三甲胺也可能引发腥气味的出现。 只有左旋肉碱的静脉形状,适用于透析终末期肾病患者使用。 这种药用产品中含有大豆油,鱼油和卵磷脂。这很少能引起过敏反应。它变应性交叉反应大豆和花生之间观察到。 如果你只人工喂养,您将收到相同的电解质,维生素和微量元素。 如果你开始出汗,得到了发烧,发冷,头痛,皮疹,或呼吸困难,输液应立即中断。 高脂肪含量在血液中可以与某些实验室值的干扰测定。 混合气isokal一般应不加其他药物或物质。 儿童和青少年 混合气isokal没有在儿童和青少年表示。 使用混合气的isokal与其他药物 告诉您的医生或药剂师,如果你正在服用任何其他药物/应用,最近已采取/使用的任何其他药物或打算采取/使用其他药物。 肝素(血液凝固抑制作用的药物,临床相关剂量的给予)会导致在循环中,酶的释放一过性升高。这可能最初导致增加脂肪分解血浆中,随后在甘油三酯的清除一个短暂的下降。 豆油有维生素K1的自然含量(这种维生素是血液凝固必不可少的) 。然而,在混合气isokal的浓度非常低,以至于你,如果你用抗凝药(香豆素衍生物)进行处理,担心血液凝固无显著减损。 由于混合气isokal的肉碱含量的,如果你正在接受治疗与药物降低升高的血脂水平,其效果可提高。 如果您使用的是丙戊酸是治疗,一个疗程为癫痫,具有一定的艾滋病药物或某些抗生素,你肉碱的需求可能会增加。 怀孕和哺乳 如果您是怀孕或哺乳,或如果你怀疑你可能是怀孕或打算怀孕,请问服用此药医生的意见之前。 目前没有任何临床经验,在怀孕或哺乳期妇女使用混合气isokal的。生殖毒性尚未进行动物试验。 当妊娠或哺乳时,您的医生会因此权衡潜在风险的预期收益。 3如何使用它? 混合气isokal你会由医生或医疗保健专业人员给予。您的医生会决定它给予你需要多少以及何时。这取决于你的体重,健康状况,氨基酸,能量和液体的需求以及你的能力,以消除所提供的润滑脂。 以下原则: 每日剂量: 成人:一个整体水化30-40毫升/公斤体重,每天的肠外营养治疗的一部分,应突破只有在特殊情况下。 2克脂肪/公斤体重,每天喂 - 当全肠外营养一般为0.8 ~2克氨基酸,平均为3-4个(最多6个)和1克葡萄糖。 在正常代谢条件应每日总碳水化合物的摄入量为350 - 是有限公司400克,用有限的代谢条件(减少碳水化合物例如在后期侵略代谢在缺氧条件下和器官衰竭的氧化率最高的),它是200 - 减少300克。 一般情况下,应约12-21毫升混合气isokal每公斤体重每天可注入。 每日最大剂量 根据病人的临床情况每日最大剂量各不相同,甚至可能每天都在变化。建议的每日最高剂量的患者完整的肾功能,每公斤体重每天35毫升。 建议的每日最高剂量为每公斤体重和日35毫升提供0.29克氮每公斤体重和日(相当于每公斤体重和日1.8克氨基酸) , 4.3克每公斤体重每天和葡萄糖,1,每公斤体重和每天9克脂肪和大约44千卡每公斤体重和天(对应于约36.7千卡每公斤体重和非蛋白能量天)的总能量。 输液速度: 成人:最大输注速率是氨基酸0,1 - 0,2克/公斤体重和小时; 脂肪0.1 (从0.05 )克/公斤体重和小时; 从0.25到0.5克/公斤体重,每小时正常代谢条件下,用有限的代谢条件(后侵略代谢,缺氧状态,器官功能不全),葡萄糖是一种还原为.125至0.25克要求/ kg体重和小时。 输液速度应不超过1.8毫升/ kg体重和小时(相当于0.22克葡萄糖, 0.09克氨基酸及脂肪0.1克/公斤体重和小时) 。 患者的肝功能或肾功能损害的个人剂量调整是必需的。 混合气isokal你是一个医生在一个中央静脉输注。 你可以得到混合气isokal只要你是人工喂养。 处理 去除多余的金属箔,然后将打开一个坚固的表面包。 通过用双手在外层含水室按2水性成分之间的剥离缝被打开。 溶液混合后,第二剥离缝被打开的压力在室emulsionshältige 。 用于与水性成分充分混合是要得到保证。 均匀的混合物是可以使用了。 使用于儿童及青少年 混合气isokal没有在儿童和青少年表示。 如果您收到一个更大的量混合气isokal的比你应该 如果过量服用或输液反应,如恶心,呕吐,寒战,发热,皮肤潮红,增加血液中的氨基酸含量,增加尿液中的氨基酸的损失,在血液和血液酸中毒增加血氨水平的高企可能发生。 因为葡萄糖含量增加浓度的胆红素和乳酸,血糖升高,尿糖和脂肪肝,脱水,增加血液中溶解的粒子的比例,和慧是可能的。 含脂肪乳剂的过量可能导致的副作用(见第4节) 。 可能的不适后,过量服用左旋肉碱满足高剂量后副作用(见第4节) 。 你的医生会立即采取相应的对策,取消或继续输液在降低剂量。 如果您对使用该药的任何进一步的疑问,请咨询你的医生或药剂师。 4什么是可能的副作用? 像所有的药品,混合气isokal引起副作用,虽然不是每个人都得到他们。 如果您发现副作用,请联系您的医生或医疗保健专业人员。这也适用于在本说明书中未列出的任何副作用。 在副作用的评价以下频率应用:非常常见:影响10 1个多用户 频繁:影响1到10个用户在100优秀:影响1到10的用户在1,000罕见:影响1到10的用户在10,000 非常罕见:在影响10,000小于1的用户 不知道:频率不能对现有数据的基础上估算 因为脂肪乳剂中所含常见:稍微升高的体温。 不常见:厌食,恶心,呕吐及寒战。 罕见:增加或血压下降,呼吸困难,过敏反应(如皮疹,荨麻疹,发红,肿胀,头痛) ,热或冷,面色苍白,蓝色的皮肤,颈部,背部,骨,乳房和腰部疼痛或超载综合征与血液中的甘油三酯升高浓度和症状,如发热,脾脏和肝脏肿大,可能是黄疸,凝血障碍,贫血,白细胞低,血小板减少,病理改变肝功能检查和昏迷。 非常罕见:阴茎疼痛,持续性勃起,增加血液中脂肪水平,血液的酸度增加凝血倾向。 根据不同的个体代谢(尤其是在患者的某些潜在疾病或遗传) ,过载综合征发生在极少数情况下在很短的时间和低剂量或长时间后良好的耐受性。 含有ω-3脂肪酸的甘油三酯可以增加循环时间和抑制血小板聚集。患者阿司匹林诱发的哮喘,肺功能也可以降低。 因为所包含的葡萄糖输注可能导致增加的血糖和糖尿中。 它可能会以一个蒙面磷酸脱氢酶缺乏症与肌肉无力呼吸麻痹和昏迷。 如果你得到定期透析,混合气isokal可以执行其左旋肉碱含量的增加,血小板聚集的异常增加,血脂水平和在高剂量。 经过大剂量注射肉碱在静脉据报道,在短暂的头痛,头晕和视力丧失的孤例。 在过敏性反应(如出汗,发热,寒战,头痛,皮疹,或呼吸困难)的迹象是立即停止输液。 5应该如何储存? 勿储存在高于25 ℃,商店。不要冻结。 保持容器的外箱避光。 请将本药放在儿童接触不到的地方。 与其它营养液混合后,将混合物在24小时内输注。 你不应该说的纸箱和袋子不再适用届满日期后服用此药。到期日是指在给定月份的最后一天。 你可能混合气如果发现了氨基酸和葡萄糖溶液不澄清,无色至淡黄色isokal不使用时,脂肪乳剂是不均质的和/或容器不是完整的。 混合气isokal必须先后立即打开容器中使用。残留物应该被丢弃。 从一个微生物点,混合物应在24小时内输注。混合物用无菌操作编制。只有那些药物都增加了兼容性保证。 混合气isokal力肽例如用200毫克/毫升, EloTrace ,硒的混合物, “费森尤斯” 200微克,以及维塔Soluvit脂质成年人进行了检查兼容性。 兼容性仅用于混合比率来定义。对混合比例的信息都要求在上市许可持有人(见第6节)可用。 在加药混合均匀得到尊重。 的兼容性,应至少肉眼检查(不可见的化学或治疗不兼容性仍然是可能的) 。 混合溶液的输液应在24小时内完成。 从一个微生物学点需要的解决方案是不受控制的和未经验证的条件下混合,将立即应用。对于重组方案的存储时间/条件的责任是与用户。 仅供一次性使用。 通过废水并无出售药品。问你的药剂师如何处置是药物,如果你不使用它了。这些措施将有助于保护环境。 What is it and how is it used? Trimix isokal contains an amino acid solution, a glucose solution and a fat emulsion in a three-chamber bags. The amino acid solution is L-carnitine added. Trimix isokal serves as amino acids, energy and carnitine source with artificial (parenteral) nutrition of adult patients (even with impaired renal function) - if a supply of nutrients in the diet or by gavage impossible, insufficient or is not displayed. 2 What you need to consider before using it? Trimix isokal should not be used, if you are allergic to the active substances, fish, egg, soy or peanut protein or to any of Section 6 mentioned other ingredients of this medicine if you have too much fat in the blood (hyperlipidemia) if you have severe liver disease if you have problems with blood clotting (coagulation disorders), if your body has trouble to utilize amino acids if you are in an acute state of shock if you have too much sugar in the blood (hyperglycemia) and this condition is not under control if you have fluid in the lungs or brain swelling (cerebral edema or acute lung) if you have too much body fluid (hyperhydration) if you have an untreated heart condition if you have an error in your blood clotting system (hemophagocytosis) if you are in an acute state, as after a severe trauma with uncontrolled diabetes, acute heart attack, acute phase of stroke, blood clots, severe acidosis (disorder that causes too much acid in the blood), severe infection ( severe sepsis), if you do not have enough body fluid (hypotonic dehydration) and at different cause coma (hyperosmolar, differential diagnosis unexplained coma) if your lactate in the blood is too high if your bilirubin levels in the blood is too high in the first trimester of pregnancy in premature and newborn infants, infants and toddlers, children and adolescents Warnings and Precautions Your doctor will monitor the treatment with trimix isokal carefully if you suffer from disorders of amino acid metabolism, if you have liver problems, if you suffer from acidity in the blood (metabolic acidosis), if you lower degree suffer from heart failure, if you suffer from diabetes (without the same stringent monitoring of blood glucose concentration), if you suffer from glucose utilization disorders, if your potassium level in the blood is too low, if your sodium level in the blood is too low, if you have problems with blood clotting, if your adrenal glands are not working properly, if you suffer from anemia (anemia), if you suffer from a lack of oxygen in the tissue, if you have a high proportion of dissolved particles in the blood (increased serum osmolarity) if you suffer from a disturbed fat metabolism. With the infusion of larger amounts of fluid in patients with heart failure with caution. The following symptoms may indicate a disturbed fat metabolism: eg in renal failure, diabetes, inflammation of the pancreas, impaired liver function, underactive thyroid, lung disease or blood poisoning. During treatment with trimix isokal Your doctor will evaluate various examinations are (electrolyte content in the blood concentration of dissolved particles in the blood acid-base balance, water balance, blood lipid levels, serum urea, blood ammonia, blood count, coagulation factors, liver and kidney function, carnitine levels in the blood, blood sugar levels). During long-term parenteral nutrition, the control of transaminases, alkaline phosphatase, and the lactate and bilirubin in serum is recommended. When blood sugar levels are too high, your doctor will either reduce the supply amount, or cause to treatment with insulin. Before starting the infusion disorders of fluid and electrolyte balance in the body and metabolic disorders are resolved. In connection with the administration of similar drugs, there was an increase in liver enzymes and cholestasis. In case of suspected liver insufficiency a monitoring of serum ammonia should be considered. Intravenous infusion of amino acids is associated with an increased excretion of trace elements, in particular copper and zinc, in the urine. This should be considered when dosing of trace elements, especially in long-term intravenous nutrition. A decreased ability of the body to excrete the fats contained in isokal Trimix can lead to a fat overload syndrome. Trimix isokal does not contain electrolytes. Larger amounts of electrolyte-free solutions should not be administered. Your doctor will provide for a sufficient supply of the necessary electrolytes. For an anabolic utilization of amino acids adequate potassium intake is necessary. If your potassium level is increased or decreased in the blood, your doctor will look for an adequate intake of potassium and / or sodium. With increased glucose supply may be necessary to increase the daily potassium intake. Although potassium levels decline generally not below the normal value, however, inspection is highly recommended for cardiac arrhythmias. A decrease in phosphorus levels is observed. Occurs when administering solutions glucosehältigen muscle weakness that can lead to respiratory paralysis, on, needs to be thought of a masked phosphate deficiency, which can lead to unconsciousness. If you are taking medication for lowering elevated blood lipids, the dosage of these drugs may need to be adjusted by your doctor. To prevent folic acid deficiency, you will get folic acid daily. In patients with severe renal impairment or dialysis patients with ESRD, the administration of high doses of oral formulations of L-carnitine is not recommended over a longer period, as trimethylamine and trimethylamine-N-oxide (metabolite formed after oral administration of L-carnitine) are accumulated by the kidneys due to insufficient elimination. This phenomenon does not occur after intravenous administration to the extent. A buildup of trimethylamine increases the amount of nitrogenous degradation products must be removed by dialysis. In addition, increased trimethylamine levels have been in dialysis patients with neurophysiological effects in conjunction. The insufficient elimination of trimethylamine might also trigger the emergence of a fishy odor. Only the intravenous form of L-carnitine is suitable for use in dialysis patients with ESRD. This medicinal product contains soybean oil, fish oil and egg phospholipids. This can rarely cause hypersensitivity reactions. It allergic cross-reactions were observed between soybean and peanuts. If you are exclusively artificially fed, you will receive the same electrolytes, vitamins and trace elements. If you start to sweat, get a fever, chills, headache, rash, or difficulty breathing, the infusion should be interrupted immediately. High fat levels in the blood can interfere with the determination of certain laboratory values. Trimix isokal should be added generally no other drugs or substances. Children and young people Trimix isokal is not indicated in children and adolescents. Use of Trimix isokal with other medicines Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking any other medicines / apply, have recently taken / used any other medicines or intend to take / use other drugs. Heparin (blood coagulation inhibitory drug, given at clinically relevant doses) causes a transient increase in the release of the enzyme in the circulation. This may initially lead to an increase in lipolysis in plasma, followed by a transient decrease in clearance of triglycerides. Soybean oil has a natural content of vitamin K1 (this vitamin is essential for blood clotting). However, the concentration in Trimix isokal is so low that you, if you with anticoagulant drugs (coumarin derivatives) are treated, fear no significant impairment of blood clotting. Because of the carnitine content of Trimix isokal, if you are being treated with drugs for lowering elevated blood lipid levels, their effect can be enhanced. If you are using valproic acid are treated, a medication for epilepsy, with certain AIDS medications or certain antibiotics, your carnitine requirements may be increased. Pregnancy and lactation If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you suspect you may be pregnant or intend to become pregnant, ask before taking this medicine your doctor for advice. There are currently no clinical experience with the use of Trimix isokal in pregnant or lactating women. The reproductive toxicity has not been tested on animals. When used in pregnancy or breast-feeding, your doctor will therefore weigh the expected benefits against the potential risks. 3 How is it used? Trimix isokal you will be given by a doctor or health care professional. Your doctor will decide how much you need and when it is administered. This depends on your body weight, health, the demand for amino acids, energy and fluid as well as your ability to eliminate the supplied grease. The following guidelines apply: DAILY DOSE: Adults: An overall hydration 30-40 ml / kg body weight and day as part of a parenteral nutrition therapy should be exceeded only in exceptional cases. 2 g fat / kg body weight and day fed - When total parenteral nutrition are generally 0.8 to 2 g of amino acids, an average of 3-4 (maximum 6) and 1 g of glucose. Under normal metabolic conditions should the total daily carbohydrate intake to 350 - are limited 400 g, with limited metabolic conditions (reduction of the maximum rate of oxidation of carbohydrates for example in post-aggression metabolism in hypoxic conditions and to organ failure) it is on 200 - to reduce 300 g. In general, should be about 12-21 ml Trimix isokal be infused per kg body weight and day. Maximum daily dose The maximum daily dose varies according to the clinical condition of the patient and may even change daily. The recommended maximum daily dose in patients with intact renal function 35 ml per kg body weight and day. The recommended maximum daily dose of 35 ml per kg body weight and day delivers 0.29 g of nitrogen per kg body weight and day (equivalent to 1.8 g amino acids per kg body weight and day), 4.3 g of glucose per kg body weight and day, 1, 9 g fat per kg body weight and day and a total energy of approximately 44 kcal per kg body weight and day (corresponding to approximately 36.7 kcal per kg body weight and day of non-protein energy). INFUSION RATE: Adults: The maximum infusion rate is for amino acids 0,1 - 0,2 g / kg body weight and hour; for fat 0.1 (starting with 0.05) g / kg body weight and hour; for glucose from 0.25 to 0.5 g / kg body weight and hour under normal metabolic conditions, with limited metabolic conditions (post-aggression metabolism, hypoxic states, organ insufficiency) is a reduction to .125 to 0.25 g / kg body weight and hour required. The infusion rate should not exceed 1.8 ml / kg body weight and hour (corresponding to 0.22 g glucose, 0.09 g amino acids and 0.1 g fat / kg body weight and hour). In patients with hepatic or renal impairment an individual dose adjustment is required. Trimix isokal you is infused by a doctor in a central vein. You can get Trimix isokal as long as you are artificially fed. Handling Remove excess foil and place the bag opened on a firm surface. By pressing with both hands on the outer aqueous chamber the peel seam between the two aqueous components is opened. After mixing of the solutions, the second peel seam is opened by pressure on the chamber emulsionshältige. For good mixing with the aqueous components is to be ensured. The homogeneous mixture is ready for use. Use in children and adolescents Trimix isokal is not indicated in children and adolescents. If you have received a greater amount of trimix isokal than you should In case of overdose or to high rate of infusion reactions such as nausea, vomiting, chills, fever, skin flushing, increased amino acid content in the blood, increased amino acid losses in the urine, increased ammonia levels in the blood and blood acidosis may occur. Because the glucose content increases concentration of bilirubin and lactate, elevated blood sugar, urine sugar and fatty liver, dehydration, increasing the proportion of dissolved particles in the blood, and coma are possible. Overdose of fat emulsion contained may lead to side effects (see section 4). Possible discomfort after carnitine overdose meet the side effects after high doses (see section 4). Your doctor will immediately take the appropriate countermeasures, cancel or resume the infusion at a reduced dosage. If you have any further questions on the use of this medicine, ask your doctor or pharmacist. 4 What are the possible side effects? Like all medicines, Trimix isokal cause side effects, although not everybody gets them. If you notice side effects, contact your doctor or health care professional. This also applies to any side effects not listed in this leaflet. In the evaluation of side effects following frequencies are applied: very common : affects more than 1 user in 10 Frequently : affects 1 to 10 users in 100 Uncommon : affects 1 to 10 users in 1,000 rare : affects 1 to 10 users in 10,000 Very rare : affects less than 1 user in 10,000 Not known: frequency can not be estimated on the basis of the available data Because of the fat emulsion contained Frequently : slightly elevated body temperature. Uncommon : anorexia, nausea, vomiting and chills. Rare : increased or decreased blood pressure, dyspnoea, hypersensitivity reactions (such as skin rash, hives, redness, swelling, headache), heat or cold, paleness, blueness of the skin, neck, back, bone, breast and loin pain or an overload syndrome with elevated triglyceride concentration in the blood and symptoms such as fever, enlargement of spleen and liver, possibly jaundice, blood clotting disorders, anemia, low white blood cells, thrombocytopenia, pathologically altered liver function tests and coma. Very rare : painful, persistent erection of the penis, increased blood fat levels, increased clotting tendency of blood acidity. Depending on the individual metabolism (especially in patients with certain underlying medical conditions or genetic), an overload syndrome occur in rare cases after a short time and low doses or after prolonged good tolerability. Triglycerides containing omega-3 fatty acids may increase the circulation time and inhibiting platelet aggregation. Patients with Aspirin-induced asthma, the lung function can also degrade. Because of the contained glucose infusion may lead to increased blood sugar and sugar in the urine. It may come to a masked phosphate deficiency with muscle weakness to respiratory paralysis and unconsciousness. If you get regular dialysis, Trimix isokal can perform its carnitine content to an unusual increase in blood lipid levels and at high doses to an increase in platelet aggregation. After high-dose injections of carnitine in a vein has been reported in isolated cases of transient headache, fainting and loss of vision. At any sign of an anaphylactic reaction (such as sweating, fever, chills, headache, rash, or difficulty breathing) is to stop the infusion immediately. 5 How should it be stored? Do not store above 25 ° C. Store. Do not freeze. Keep the container in the outer carton to protect from light. Keep this medicine out of the reach of children. After mixing with other nutrient solution, the mixture should be infused within 24 hours. You should not take this medicine after the expiry date stated on the carton and bag no longer apply. The expiry date refers to the last day in the given month. You may Trimix isokal not use if you notice that the amino acids and glucose solution is not clear and colorless to slightly yellowish, the fat emulsion is not homogeneous and / or the container is not intact. Trimix isokal must be used after first opening the container immediately. Residues should be discarded. From a microbiological point of view, the mixture should be infused within 24 hours. Mixtures are prepared with aseptic precautions. Only those drugs are added for compatibility is ensured. Mixtures of Trimix isokal example Dipeptiven with 200 mg / ml, EloTrace, selenium, "Fresenius' 200 micrograms, and Vita Soluvit lipid adults were examined for compatibility. Compatibility is defined only for mixing ratios. Information on the mixing ratios are on request at the Marketing Authorisation Holder (see section 6) available. In good mixing of the added drug is respected. The compatibility should be checked at least visually (not visible chemical or therapeutic incompatibilities are still possible). The infusion of the mixed solution should be completed within 24 hours. From a microbiological point of view need solutions were mixed under uncontrolled and unvalidated conditions are applied immediately. The responsibility for the storage time / conditions of the reconstituted solution is with the user. For single use only. Do not dispose of medicines via wastewater. Ask your pharmacist how to dispose of is the drug if you do not use it anymore. These measures will help to protect the environment.
更新日期: 2014-02-07
调控比例: 100%
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